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Chris Roberts FBI Interview | NewsWatch Minute

Published on May 18, 2015

NewsWatch Minute


There has been a recent update on a story we shared with you about a month ago. Remember security researcher Chris Roberts who was banned from flying with United Airlines? Information in the event’s search warrant application has recently surfaced and caused more concern. During Robert’s interview with an FBI agent the researcher shares that before being kicked off of his flight that day, he had already hacked into the planes system and was able to monitor traffic from the cockpit system. Of course, Roberts is now denying that he ever hacked onto that specific flight, but will admit that he has hacked plane networks close to 15 times before. Roberts hasn’t been charged of any crimes yet, but this on-going story may cause concern for anyone who flies.


Move over Amazon and eBay! Rumors suggest Google plans on launching a ‘Buy’ button. This possible convenient feature to the popular search engine will allow users to buy products that they search for in the shopping tab with just a click of a button. Google hasn’t commented on the new feature, but the service is already available for use in Boston, Chicago, Manhattan, San Francisco, Washington DC, West Los Angeles. Details about the service that are still unknown include will the button be used with Google Wallet or Google Shopping.


Our last story is the stuff of nightmares for anyone who has arachnophobia. Earlier this month residents of Southern Tablelands in Australia claimed to see spiders falling from the sky. That’s right, millions of baby spiders raining from the sky and covering their homes. Residents took to Facebook to share stories of their homes being covered in spider webs. Apparently, this phenomenon is a result of a mass migration of baby spiders to this area. The spiders appear to be ‘flying’ because of a technique there are using to move around called ‘ballooning.’ Some residents have described the sight as beautiful, but we will leave that one up to you.



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