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Rogue Trader - CES Review - AppWatch Review

Published on Jan 30, 2014

AppWatch Review


So for a game that you want a bit of real-life substance, I’ve got something for you that I saw at the show. Now in case you didn’t realize, 2013 was a historic year for investors with the S&P 500 up 29 percent and the Dow up 26 percent, their best since 1997 and 1996 respectively. So for all our viewers who are looking to keep up the fun and play a game of stock trading on their iOS device, I’ve got something great that I saw on the floor of CES. It’s called Rogue Trader and it’s a free app created by Ace-Spier a creative studio out of London.


In the game you’re a young trader who was hired by a trading company You’re guided through the game by your new boss as you start trading in Frankfurt and eventually work your way up to the New York Stock Exchange. You have to win trades and of course turn a profit. Now obviously the stock prices go up and down, so buying and selling at the right times is the challenge. But trade faster, or increase your stamina, or multiply your poing… lots of fun powerups there.


Rogue Trader is a fun game that I loved playing around with at the show, so to give it a try head to or search for Rogue Trader in the app store.

For more information, visit



AppWatch is a weekly segment that provides viewers app reviews and game reviews of the latest and hottest apps and games out on the market for iOS and Android devices.


Our AppWatch segment airs on the Discovery Channel and ION Network.  The app reviews are conducted by Joe Toohey and Andrew Tropeano.

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