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Apple And Google Team Up | NewsWatch Minute

Published on May 19, 2015

NewsWatch Minute


Companies like Apple and Google have taken many steps to keep the information on your phone as private as possible with top notch encryption policies. For years now, government agencies have requested that tech companies create backdoors to help law enforcement track down terrorists and other criminals. In response to these requests, tech companies have reached out to Obama to not support any bill regarding this issue. The goal Apple, Google, and other companies have is to make sure law enforcement never have a master key to customer’s private information. Don’t worry as of right now your information is still protected and it seems as through the government would have a long way to go to change that.


Just two years after releasing the Automatic smart driving monitor, which was basically a fitbit for your car, the company Automatic is launching an even more advanced feature for your car. The Automatic App Gallery will work along with your Automatic smart driving monitor to give you over 20 apps for your car. The apps aim to make your driving experience more efficient and productive. From allowing people who carpool to easily split the fuel bill, to giving professionals who use their car as a home office more tools for trip deductions and expense reporting. Obviously there are also apps for the average driver with features for fuel economy, maintenance, and driving habits. So basically as our homes and technology are becoming more intelligent and tailored to who we are, it makes sense that our car would be as well. Very cool stuff from Automatic.


The classic Windows card game Solitaire turned 25 on Monday. Happy Birthday Solitaire! This simple card game has been distracting people at their desktop for 25 years now and Microsoft wants to celebrate. The anniversary of this classic game is being recognized with a global tournament to find the best Solitaire player. The tournament started on Monday with only Microsoft employees and plans to expand to public players in June. Microsoft hasn’t released all details on the tournament, but if you want to practice the game is free to download on all Windows devices.




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