Home Technology Consumer Tech Xbox Elite Controllers – Gamers Will Soon Be Able To Re-Map

Xbox Elite Controllers – Gamers Will Soon Be Able To Re-Map

xbox elite controller

Tech Report

By: Nick Gambino

For all of you gamers out there you’ll be happy to know that in the very near future you’ll be able to re-configure the Xbox One controller to your liking.

While Playstation 4 already has this re-config option, Xbox has been late to the game on this one. The Xbox One Elite controller, which is coming soon, has this unique customization feature but that little bastard costs $150. Needless to say some gamers were a little annoyed at the prospect of having to shell out that much just for a controller.

The announcement came way of an informal twitter exchange between Mike Ybarra, Director of Program Management at Microsoft, and another user.

@StavEllis asked, “Why is the controller configuration only for elite? Such a good feature PS [Playstation] has it as standard [why] do we have to pay out?

To which Mike Ybarra (@XboxQwik) replied, “It’s coming for all controllers soon.”

And just like that Mike disappeared in a plume of smoke without so much as a detail about this upcoming feature. We were left wanting answers to questions like: When? How much? But alas we’ll have to wait until there’s an official announcement.

Speculations abound, most putting the release date after the Elite controller is released in November. You might be wondering why you would want to shell out $150 for the Elite controller when all controllers will have this customizable button layout “soon.” Well, the Elite is customizable way beyond just how the buttons operate. Swappable parts, a headphone port, improved thumbstick sensitivity as well as a different D-pad make it a completely different kind of controller.

Watch out for an official announcement. For all we know it might be released at the same time as the Elite without too much noise so as to not detract from the Elite’s coming out party.


Nick Gambino is a regular script writer and tech beat reporter for NewsWatch.  He lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and daughter.

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