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[td_block_text_with_title custom_title="Contact Details"]NewsWatch 2611 S Clark St., Suite #902, Arlington, VA 22202 (703) 662-8180 (phone) (703) 359-5584(fax) Email: info@newswatchtv.com[/td_block_text_with_title]
[td_block_text_with_title custom_title="About us" separator="" tdc_css=""]NewsWatch is your trusted source for breaking consumer, technology, travel, health, and entertainment news. We air on AMC and ION Network. The show is hosted by Andrew Tropeano.[/td_block_text_with_title]

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    New Slim iPhone in the Works

     By: Nick Gambino Apple has struggled in recent years to recapture the era of the yearly upgrade. There was a time when the new iPhone...
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