Home Technology Floatti – A Real Smart Suitcase | NewsWatch Review

Floatti – A Real Smart Suitcase | NewsWatch Review

Tech Report 

Do you love to travel? We do. And if you are anything like us, you are on the never-ending hunt for the perfect suitcase. Traveling can be an all around terrible experience if you don’t have the right suitcase that fits your needs. Well, we found a product that embodies the new age of luggage. Floatti is a beautifully designed smart suitcase that fits in the digital age.

What makes this suitcase so special? First is the docking strap that helps hold your extra handbag on top without the frustration of trying to hold them together. The suspension was engineered with pushing and pulling in mind to make for a smoother ride. That alone makes this a pretty great suitcase. Now we get into what makes this a real smart suitcase. The Smart Handle allows you to connect your phone so you can receive notifications, pick up calls, play and change music, and send voice-to-text messages right from your handle. The accompanying app will also let you know if you leave your suitcase anywhere and walk too far away from it. Have you ever left your suitcase somewhere and forgot? Trust us, it is terrible. It will even let you know when it arrives at baggage claim. We weren’t kidding, this is a really smart suitcase. The built-in scale will let you know when your luggage is overweight so you can avoid that annoying, awkward repacking scenario in the middle of the airport because trust us…no one likes to pull out underwear in front of strangers. As of right now, the Floatti suitcase comes in four attractive colors with two metal variations.

Are you ready to get your perfect suitcase for all your traveling needs? Go to floatti.com or search for Floatti on Indiegogo for more information on this one-of-a-kind suitcase.

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