Home AppWatch Android Plant Nanny – Stay Hydrated & Have Fun | NewsWatch Review

Plant Nanny – Stay Hydrated & Have Fun | NewsWatch Review


Our body is made up of nearly 70 percent water.  That means that drinking enough water on a daily basis is essential to staying healthy.  Well, the creators of the game, Plant Nanny, have taken this often-overlooked concept and gamified it to make sure we’re all drinking enough.

Plant Nanny turns you into a virtual-plant that sends occasional push notifications to encourage you to water your plant – aka, drink water – giving you an exact number of cups that you need to consume to maintain your health.  Now, once you download the app, you input some personal information – height, weight, and physical activity level.  Then you choose the plant that best represents you.  Now you’re ready to start tracking how much water you drink.  You do this by clicking the plant at the bottom of the screen. The more you drink and tap your plant, the healthier and happier your plant is and vice versa. And overtime your plant will grow and eventually be ready to be planted in your virtual garden. Plant Nanny is a fun way to make sure you’re staying hydrated.

The app scratches that itch to have an addictive game to play much like Tamagotchi from back in the day but it also helps you create a healthy lifestyle and habit of drinking the right amount of water every day. Drinking water has many great benefits such as relieving fatigue, treating migraines or headaches, improves mood, helps with digestion and constipation, aids in weight loss, flushes out toxins, promotes healthy skin, kills halitosis, and even is a good hangover remedy!

It’s available for free for iOS, Android, and Window’s phones.  To learn more, head to their website.

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