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FaceChex – Stopping Third Parties From Using Your Private Content | NewsWatch Review

Consumer Update

When you take photos or videos of private events, that content is meant to stay…well…private. But unfortunately we live in a world where identities are stolen, images are misused, and social media can be damaging.

FaceChex is an online platform that stops third parties from using your private content without your permission.

They have the latest technology to monitor the internet 24/7 in the event that someone has taken your posted content and used it to their advantage – whether it be to steal your identity, engage in revenge porn, or catfish you or your loved ones.

FaceChex also ensures that each of its users whether they’re adults, parents, or teens using social media for the first time, will know how to protect themselves.

And if someone is using your content, FaceChex alerts you immediately and then contacts server admins and files legal DMCA-takedowns on your behalf.

They’re so good at what they do that Facebook has even begun using similar practices to protect its users

All you have to do is sign up for a protection plan, then relax and continue on with your normal life while FaceChex takes control of your security and ensures thieves never successfully steal and profit from your content.

There are multiple plans you can use to protect yourself and your loved ones – from monthly to yearly options.

To learn more, head on over to facechex.com today.

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