Home CES Wagz, Inc. – Smart Collars for Man’s Best Friend | NewsWatch Review

Wagz, Inc. – Smart Collars for Man’s Best Friend | NewsWatch Review

Consumer Update/CES

We buy our dogs grain-free food and take them on walks, but how else can we make our dogs safer, healthier, and happier?

Enter Wagz.

Wagz specializes in creating connected home products for man’s best friend.

Their smart dog collar tracks everything you’d want to know, including activity, exercise, temperature, and of course location.

The collar contains an embedded GPS that you can monitor from your phone and set customized safety zones, so you’ll never lose track of him.

The HD live streaming video camera allows you to see what he sees at any moment by enabling it remotely or automatically with bark detection.

When visibility is low, LED lights illuminate around the collar when detecting head lights.

And of course, the collar houses Smart ID with all of your dog’s vital information stored in it.

Wagz is dedicated to creating products intended to keep your dog safe, healthy, and happy.

They’ve also just announced a partnership with BLACK + DECKER to release new products under their brand. So far, they’ve introduced the BLACK + DECKER Smart Dog Collar with the Smart Dog Feeder and Smart Dog Door coming soon.

For more information on Wagz connected home products for dogs, head on over to wagz.com today.

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