Home AppWatch PromSocial – Planning App for Prom Goers | NewsWatch Review

PromSocial – Planning App for Prom Goers | NewsWatch Review


Prom is one of the most special nights of any teen’s life, so it goes without saying that it deserves its own app. PromSocial is a planning app loaded with features that help prom goers get the most out of prom.

From finding a date to planning parties to voting for your friends, PromSocial does it all. Here’s how it works.

After you download it, simply sign up with your specific high school and the prom you’re attending. Once you’re in, you can start by creating a checklist of all the things you’ll need to have the perfect night. Of course, having a date would be nice so let’s start with that. You can ask someone to prom, send a “promposal”, or just show them you’re interested.

Now, what would prom be without a limo? Start a limo party and invite your friends so you can arrive in style. Keep an eye out for an invite to your friends’ exclusive afterparty. Be sure to check out your prom feed to see everything your classmates are planning for the big day.

The coolest feature though is the Prombook. Similar to a yearbook, the Prombook highlights the epicness of the night all in one place so you can remember it forever.

You can download PromSocial for free on the Google Play or App Store today.

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