Home NewsWatch Geyser Technologies – Take a Hot Shower, Anywhere at Anytime | NewsWatch...

Geyser Technologies – Take a Hot Shower, Anywhere at Anytime | NewsWatch Review

Tech Report

If you’re an avid lover of the outdoors, you’re aware that you’ll end up smelling like a bunch of different things at the end of the day.

Well, lucky for all outdoors enthusiasts, we’ve found a product for you.

The Geyser System is the world’s most portable, hot shower that allows you to take a hot shower no matter where you are. All you need is one gallon. Simply plug the Geyser into a power source like your car or small deep cell battery.

This portable hot shower is geared towards campers, athletes, festival goers, and all the dirty, sweaty people who would benefit from a shower on-the-go. The two-tubed Geyser apparatus requires a car charger and takes about 20 to 30 minutes to heat up your 4 quarts of grime remover.

Just open the lid and pour in a gallon of water. Attach a “Skrub” to the Geyser System and begin your easy cleaning with a steady flow of water. If you want a hot, refreshing shower, then wait for 15 to 35 minutes before turning on the pump. You can have a hot shower in 5 minutes if you add a little hot water from your camp stove.

Just imagine, how good it’ll feel to scrub down after a long hike or camping trip.

In addition to showers, you can use Geyser to clean off dishes and gear. A sponge is attached at the end of the hose for continuous, but controlled, water flow which lasts up to 7 minutes per gallon.

By doing this, it’ll use less water to avoid waste. Water level sensors will let you know when you’re running low, so you can plan accordingly. Adventure is redefined with Geyser Systems.

For more information head over to GeyserSystems.com today or donate to their Kickstarter.

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