Home News Stand Angry Birds VR is Coming Soon

Angry Birds VR is Coming Soon

By: Guy Tal Hauser

Angry Birds is far from the sensation it was when it was released nearly a decade ago, but it’s still a wildly popular franchise that offers endless hours of enjoyable gameplay. So it makes sense that they’re planning to take it to the next level with a VR game.

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs is set to launch early next year on all major VR platforms. The game is being released by Resolution Games in partnership with Rovio. It’s the newest title in a mobile franchise that’s seen many. The idea has always been simple. The player uses a series of birds, each with different abilities, to try and knock down complex structures and green pigs in order to reclaim their stolen eggs.

Each version of the game has featured different themes like Seasons (winter, autumn, holidays, etc.), Space and even a Star Wars complete with lightsabers and blasters. They even made an animated movie with a who’s who of top-tier comedians supplying voices to the winged characters.

Isle of Pigs will see the return of franchise favorites like Red, Chuck and Bomb, but will also see new characters taking up a spot in the slingshot.

“Introducing the Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs is an exciting step for Rovio in exploring the future of gaming,” CEO of Rovio, Kati Levoranta, said in a press release. “We are thrilled that millions of Angry Birds fans will soon be able to literally step into the Angry Birds universe with the powerful sense of presence you get with VR.”

That doesn’t really tell us much in terms of what to expect with the gameplay. Will you play through the eyes of a bird shooting through the air? I hope so. Or will it just be a 2D experience that somehow takes advantage of VR? We won’t know until we see a trailer or another statement from either company.

“We couldn’t be more excited to partner with Rovio to bring their beloved franchise to VR,” CEO of Resolution Games, Tommy Palm, said. “Angry Birds lends itself perfectly to VR, where players can experience the already highly engaging characters and gameplay mechanics in a much more tangible and immersive way than ever. Just as Angry Birds was applauded for its intuitive controls and gameplay on mobile, we feel Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs will continue that legacy for VR.”

I hope it lives up to the hype as I’ve been a fan of the series since it was first released. The chance to immerse myself in the colorful and fun world is an exciting prospect. They expect a release sometime in early 2019.

About Guy Tal Hauser

Guy Tal Hauser is a regular tech beat reporter and Videographer for NewsWatch.  He lives in Maryland with his wife and loves all things tech.

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