Home AppWatch Instagram Temporarily Changes Its Design and Everyone Loses Their Mind

Instagram Temporarily Changes Its Design and Everyone Loses Their Mind

By: Bryan Tropeano

On Thursday, Instagram users were horrified to find an update completely changed the layout of the popular social media app. Instead of the familiar up-and-down scroll, the layout was changed to a horizontal feed that required the user to tap through to reveal the next post.

Needless to say, the internet lost its collective mind with users taking to Twitter, Facebook and even Instagram itself to declare their hatred for the new design. Luckily, the outrage resulted in Instagram reverting to the up-and-down feed within just a couple of hours.

“Due to a bug, some users saw a change to the way their feed appears today,” Instagram tweeted out. “We quickly fixed the issue and feed is back to normal. We apologize for any confusion.”

The statement and “reason” are suspect because the design change came complete with a short tutorial when you first opened the app. So apparently “bug” now equals “poor design choice.” To summarize here’s what went down yesterday:

Instagram: Here’s a brand-new design that we think you’ll love!

Users: It sucks.

Instagram: It was a bug. We fixed it.

At least the internet mob used their power for good and righted what was most definitely a wrong. In the few minutes I spent with the short-lived update, I honestly hated it. In order to see my feed, I had to tap to swipe to the next post and out of 20 or so posts I viewed in my feed, at least 7 or 8 of them were ads. You know how you can add multiple photos to an Instagram post? Well, it seems like the new design required me to view all of the photos in a single post before moving onto the next post in my feed. So if each ad had 4 or 5 photos, there’s my afternoon.

Next up, the mob wants the IG feed reverted back to chronological order, instead of whatever bastardized version of a Facebook algorithm it’s using now. Good luck, you beautiful mob you.

Bryan Tropeano is a senior producer and a regular reporter for NewsWatch.  He lives in Washington D.C. and loves all things Tech.

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