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Plaine Products – Non-Toxic, Vegan, and Cruelty-Free Shampoos and Conditioners | NewsWatch Review

Consumer Update

You’ve heard that our use of plastic is quickly spiraling out of control, but did you know that the reason it’s such a problem is plastic is not biodegradable, nor is it ever “destroyed.” That means every piece of plastic ever created still exists on the planet. By 2050 there could more plastic than fish in the ocean. Plaine Products was founded as a solution to this plastic problem.

All of Plaine Products’ shampoos, conditioners, body and face care are non-toxic, vegan, and cruelty-free. And they come in two scent options: rosemary mint vanilla or citrus lavender.

To address the plastic issue, they created a refillable packaging system that allows customers to send their empty bottles back to be cleaned and reused. You just order a product. Then when your bottles are running low, order a refill.

When you’re ready to switch the pumps over to the refills and send in your empty bottles, Plaine Products covers the cost. Not only are you using a vegan, non-toxic product that’s safe for your family, but you’re also part of the global solution.

You can choose from a variety of quality products by heading to plaineproducts.com today.

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