Home News Stand A Glimpse at 2020 iPhones

A Glimpse at 2020 iPhones

By: Nick Gambino

According to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who I’m convinced is merely on Apple’s payroll to keep us excited for new products a year or two out, 2020 will see newly designed iPhones in three new sizes.

The word on the street is that 2019 iPhones will be nothing more than glorified S series phones, which would mean Apple is playing that card two years in a row. I guess this plan is what will allow them to pump all of their efforts into the 2020 phones and give us what we want.

Kuo says we’ll get three new phones – a 5.4-inch iPhone, a 6.7-inch iPhone and a 6.1-inch XR-type phone. So the regular phone is getting smaller and the Max phone is getting bigger. While the XR successor will stay on LTE, the exciting news is that the regular and the Max are slated to be Apple’s first 5G phones.

But while the “XR” is getting shafted on 5G, it looks like all three phones will come with an OLED screen, which is good news, especially for those who will opt for the cheaper option. In all, if these predictions pan out, consumers will see at least some of their demands met (smaller phone, bigger phone, better screen, etc.) In fact, the new Max is so big, it’s only a little more than an inch smaller than the iPad Mini.

Personally, I’m still rocking the iPhone X, but it looks like this design and breed of phone will be getting the boot in the new decade. It’s been a divided phone for sure, but it was also a needed sledgehammer to get us away from the dated design Apple was stuck in. I’ve had no major issues with my phone, and unless Apple truly misses the runway, I’m sure I’ll have no major issues with the next.

These are the only rumored predictions for now, but if it’s true, then it’s safe to say Apple has a number of other game-changing, or at least phone-changing, features planned for the 2020 phones. They rarely redesign a whole phone and keep the software the same. My lack of imagination can’t seem to conjure up any guesses, so I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

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