Home News Stand 3 Top Trends Redefining Home Security in 2019

3 Top Trends Redefining Home Security in 2019

When it comes to home security, homeowners have more options than ever before at their disposal. New advances continue to be developed, and these innovations — plus the widespread competition in this booming space — are allowing tech-savvy consumers to get more protection and more control for an incredibly affordable price.

The only problem now for some consumers is looking out across this rapidly developing landscape trying to differentiate the noise from the strategies and solutions that actually have value. To help steer you in the right the direction, the following top trends in home security represent three of the best ways to invest your money.

1. Smart Home Revolution

Few things are altering day-to-day life like the rise of the smart home, and it is coming to all walks of life. Digital assistants (or virtual assistants), like Alexa and Google Assistant, are being deployed across more and more households every day, and it seems like consumers simply cannot get enough of the convenience and hands-free voice control they provide.

Home security is increasingly integrating with these features. Many top security camera systems can now be controlled by voice, and devices like smart locks are becoming even more common. This is an especially useful feature for homeowners and renters who list their apartments on Airbnb. Not only does it add peace of mind for short-term tenants, but it allows easy entry through a pin code and doesn’t require a face-to-face meeting to exchange physical keys.

2. Home Security Camera Systems

Cameras are far and away the biggest trend right now in the home security space. They have plummeted in price in recent years, despite major advances in terms of high-level features and capabilities. The average homeowner today can purchase a security camera system at a price they can afford and — maybe just as importantly — easily set it up and operate it themselves.

Unlike old, outdated systems, today’s cameras offer 4K capability, real-time monitoring through mobile apps and high-resolution wide-angle lenses for great visibility. Some even provide color night vision and motion detection notification alerts to let the user know when something passes through the field of view. Given how powerful they are, it’s no wonder why so many people are installing them in their homes.

3. Sensors and Monitors

In addition to typical smart home controls and assistants, the home security world is also jumping on the Internet of Things bandwagon when it comes to sensors. Door and window sensors, for example, can notify you if someone tampers with either of these points of egress. This could be a literal life-saver in the middle of the night or, if you’re away, help you alert the authorities in time to catch a burglar in the act. Then there are other sensors that can monitor for water or gas leaks, which aren’t the typical problems people think of, but nevertheless can protect your home against thousands of dollars in damage or turning into a major risk to your health.

Next-Level Home Security

The forward march of technology has always been closely intertwined with security. Because staying safe is such a primal desire, this continues to provide deep motivation to push things ahead.

We are seeing this play out in real-time now in the home security market, and it is creating several truly exciting trends. The smart home revolution is bringing new levels of control and convenience, security camera systems now provide unprecedented vigilance, and in-home sensors and monitors add more peace of mind.

Combined, these tend are taking home security to a whole new level. Savvy consumers are jumping on board and taking advantage of these advances to protect their families in a way that has never before been this sophisticated, convenient and empowering.

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