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Ways to Have More Fun at Work

Sometimes work can be the very thing that drives our entire lives. The day to day grind that pushes us to pay the bills, put food on the table and even save up for that wonderful holiday you’ve been dreaming of. However, this can be an unfortunate cause for many work-related issues in people. Things such as tiredness, poor mental health and a lack of motivation to push ourselves harder than we ever thought possible. While some of them may be other matters, the simple causality can be from simply not enjoying yourself while working. By viewing work as nothing more than a chore, this could have serious repercussions on your work ethic.

So, why not try and think of ways to enjoy yourself while working. To keep that smile on your face as you drive through the everyday tasks, that is your work life. Fiona from BUPA says that “A particular condition can manifest itself in such a variety of ways… the onus is really on the person to explain how their condition is likely to impact on the way in which they work or interact with their colleagues. Signs of poor mental health in the workplace can be a lack of concentration, worrying more often and feeling overwhelmed with the number of duties they need to do. By finding ways to keep yourself happy at work, you can prevent mental health issues like this occurring. Or, at the very least, minimize the damages they cause to your overall wellbeing. Here are a few ideas and tricks to help you get started at being a happier employee.

The first step can be learning how to take advantage of your breaks or lunches. Not only can they be used for refueling by enjoying a good meal, but they can also house other activities to help you relax more. Why not play games on your mobile phone? They can be games from the app store or online gambling games, such as indian dreaming slot machine. It is all up to you to decide what is the best way to enjoy yourself in the shortest time possible. It doesn’t even have to be games. Sometimes it can just be relaxing from the comfort of a chair or maybe even catching a quick nap. As long you are both physically and mentally recharged for the afternoon or late-night work, it doesn’t matter how. So long as you continue to respect company policy, that is.

Another important part of happiness is sharing it with others. Friendship is one of the most important facets of life, and it can be found anywhere. This includes the working environment. The people you work with don’t just have to be your colleagues, but they can also be your companions. They are probably doing the same amount of tiring tasks you do, so they can understand how you feel. Sharing a laugh over coffee or picking up each other’s leftover duties can build strong comradery. It can be relaxing to know that there are always people you can count on here, making it a safer place for you to work at. To increase team morale, try giving each other gifts to show how you care about them and enjoy working with them.

This next method to stay happy at work is something simple and that almost anyone can do – taking in fresh air. During your break, it may sometimes be best to just walk out of your workplace and explore other areas to refresh your mind. Seeing the same place all day can be very draining on your mind’s creativity. If you work in a city, have a go at exploring what’s in the city and what stores there are available. If you work in a more natural environment, take a moment to look at the scenery and admire what surrounds you. By doing this, you can fill your mind with new ideas or maybe even find places to bring your friends and family. While you’re at it, bring a colleague with you and further strengthen your relationships. As you explore together, this can also further enhance team-building and bounce ideas from one another.

For those that don’t go outside much or prefer to stay indoors, your workplace is where you must focus your efforts on. This is your own personal space where you complete your daily tasks. It can also be the most draining on yourself if you see the same thing every day. Especially if it is just a blank surface, so why not decorate it or design it to your own personal tastes. Add pictures of your friends and family. Decorate the sides with ribbons or tassels. Maybe even brings a flowerpot, one that you can water yourself and look after to help give you time to think of something other than duties. When holidays come around, you can definitely have fun with decorating your workspace to the theme, such as Halloween or Christmas. Again, this may depend on the policy that determines how much you can decorate. Be sure to check in with your manager to see what is allowed.

One of the biggest signs anyone can see from someone with a positive wellbeing is laughter. After all, the old saying states that laughter is the best medicine. Work doesn’t have to be professional all the time. A big cause of stress can be from constantly maintaining a business-like persona in order to impress your superiors. But if it comes at the cost of your own wellbeing, then that is not what your colleagues want from you. Smiling and laughing can show everyone that you are happy and ready to work. But it does have to be genuine laughter. Otherwise, it is just another facade. Laughter is also contagious. If you are having fun, then everyone will be comfortable as well. Share funny stories, crack a joke and keep the laughter going.

Having fun is all well and good. However, the hard part of keeping your mental wellbeing positive is having to do it for long periods of time. Obviously, many of us will have our off days. Days where we prefer to quiet down and keep to ourselves to refresh our social capabilities. Even so, it is important always to smile at least every day. To complement one another whenever we can. This means that a constant stream of positive energy is being fed to us so that we are never left alone and broken down. The building block for a strong team is the ability to bring each other up instead of pushing each other down. There can be no advantage to constantly putting yourself above the needs of everyone else. Helping each other with duties to bring more efficiency to the office can be a benefit for not just the employees, but the entire business itself. If the business can benefit from everyone’s hard work, then this means that the team can be rewarded for it. Knowing all of your hard work isn’t for nothing can be a prime motivator for a continued determination as well as the act of helping your team become stronger, knowing that working alone can be a less effective and less socially active method for working. Sometimes the work environment is competitive, but it is important that no malice is behind it. Faint competition is the appropriate response to this type of environment.

If you wish to build a stronger connection with your team outside of work, then there are plenty of activities that can do so. There are some examples of businesses forming their own clubs or social activities outside of the office that helps everyone get to know each other better and boost team morale. Sometimes they may even make their own sports team and compete against other businesses in friendly tournaments. This can even help you connect with people from other workspaces, further expanding your network of social contacts. Examples can be found online or through social media. For example, company sports teams can take part in the Corporate League. A business can form a football team, basketball team or even an ice hockey team depending on where the business is located.

The last piece of advice someone can give you is just to be appreciative. Look at what you have accomplished at the office and compliment yourself. See how far you have come and realise that there can be so much more you can do.

It is important to always look after yourself, no matter where you are. This can include all kinds of working environments. Trying out new ways to keep having fun can be healthy for not only yourself but the people around you. Your work may be important, but you matter even more. Don’t sacrifice your smile and happiness for just another paycheque. Enjoy yourself and where you are, even if it is keeping a smile while you are filing away.

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