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LockSub App – Always Receive a Qualified, Insured and Professional Locksmith | NewsWatch Review


Currently, in the UK and parts of the USA, the locksmith industry remains largely unregulated. LockSub was built to ensure the end customer always receives a qualified, insured and professional locksmith to carry out the work required.

LockSub is a lead generation system specifically for the locksmith industry. Essentially, LockSub is sending to the end customer a professional and qualified locksmith, while helping generate leads for a locksmith in a competitive marketplace.

Apart from the amazing interface, what makes LockSub so unique is the ease of navigation; the ability to determine which jobs, you, as a locksmith, want to purchase; the jobs you actually want to carry out and get paid for.

At the same time, you can easily use the system to upload your own jobs and sell them to other locksmiths to carry out. You can then see how much money you’ve earned on a regular basis and how many leads you’ve taken in.

Locksmiths want to be carrying out work – they want to help people into their houses, attending burglaries and so on. What they don’t want to be doing is be behind a computer, working out how they can generate their next lead.

There have been over 400 locksmiths that have signed up to LockSub – that’s in a short space of time. That’s all 400 people using this and actually relying on this on a daily basis.

Let’s just say that if the service was to be pulled now, people would be struggling to find work.

With LockSub, you’re getting a qualified, insured locksmith and you’re getting happy customers.

If you’re a locksmith and looking to improve your workflow, head to locksub.com today.

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