Home Consumer Best Reusable Straw – Harlov 3-Way Personal Pocket Straw

Best Reusable Straw – Harlov 3-Way Personal Pocket Straw

Consumer Update

This generation seems to be more environmentally conscious than any generation in history. Despite the ongoing efforts, there’s still much more to do. It was only a year or two ago that we all realized the harm we were causing by continually using plastic straws. It wasn’t unheard of for a single person to go through 3 or 4 plastic straws in a day. Add it all up and you’ve got a problem.

Paper straws were the beginning of a solution but far from ideal. Listen, I don’t want to knock paper straws and the effort the people behind them have put into ending waste and pollution caused by plastic straws, but those little paper straw suckers just aren’t great. So, what is the solution?

Well, reusable stainless-steel straws are pretty fantastic, so I’m going to throw my hat in that ring. The best reusable straw you’ll find on the market today is probably Harlov 3-Way Personal Pocket Straw. While, “best reusable straw” is definitely subjective and assigned by matter of preference, Harlov checks all the boxes to at least be in the running.

The Harlov 3-Way Personal Pocket Straw is more versatile than most competitors on the market, with the ability to transform into three different sizes – hence, the name. Upon purchase you’ll see two straws. The smaller of the two measures in at 4 ½ inches, while the larger straw tops out at 6 inches. But where is the third straw?

Check this out: combine the two straws and you’ve got one whopping 10 ½-inch straw for those Big Gulps you love to indulge in. It’s like your very own Transformer reusable straw.

For travel, the best reusable straw needs the best traveling case. This nifty little guy travels in a pocket-sized case that is not only lightweight but perfect for keeping your straw clean when it’s bouncing around in your pocket or bag. Hygiene is important now more than ever.

In case your Harlov 3-Way Personal Pocket Straw gets dirty (and if you’re using it, trust me, it’ll be dirty), the plastic straw replacement comes with a cleaning brush that allows you to get in there and give it a good scrubbing. Simply wash it in hot, soapy water and rinse it when done. Shake it dry and you’ll be ready to go.

To get your hands on the best reusable straw out there, visit Amazon or Harlov.co.

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