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Audible is Here to Save the Day with Free Audiobooks for Your Kids

By: Nick Gambino

Diary Entry: Day 34 of COVID-19 and I’m beginning to lose my mind. The 4-year-old human that lives in my house threatens to set fire to my hopes and dreams on an almost minute-by-minute basis. Any semblance of homeschooling seems absolutely futile when challenged by an adversary worthy of a post-apocalyptic Mad Max film.

But while my own world seems to be in shambles, with the corpse of a once organized life decomposing in the corner, I still find hope in humanity with regular reports of selfless acts performed in the face of a scary pandemic that seeks to isolate us from one another.

These stories are probably best covered by the SGN (Some Good News) anchor, John Krasinski. This is the kind of content that will keep us from sliding down into the darkest, most cynical recesses of our minds during this trying time.

If you happen to be in the unlucky situation of being stuck at home with kids, Audible is flying in with a friggin’ superhero cape to save the day. The digital audiobook company is now offering a large collection of free kid’s audiobooks to entertain the little sadists and give you a much-needed break.

While this will probably be most useful for those with little kids, the free offering includes enough content for kids of any age. You’ll find a select number of titles across six different categories, including Littlest Listeners, Elementary, Tween, Teen, Literary Classics and Folk & Fair Tales for All.

“For as long as schools are closed, we’re open,” the Audible website reads. “Starting today, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.”

You can stream audiobooks on pretty much any device – computer, phone or tablet – right through your browser on the Audible site. They’ve made it so easy you don’t even have to have a log-in. Simply click through and start listening.

The coronavirus threatens to divide us by forcing us to stay at home, learning to hate those we love most. Don’t let coronavirus win. Get your kids to listen to free audiobooks and stay sane, people.

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