Home Consumer Better Not Younger Hair Products for Women Over 40

Better Not Younger Hair Products for Women Over 40

Consumer Update

Thinning hair, thick hair, blonde hair, dark hair, straight hair, curly hair. It should come as no surprise that not all hair is made the same. There are a number of different factors that play a part in making up one’s hair. These may include such things as genetics, age, race, climate and more. So, if all hair is not the same, then why would all hair products be the same?

Depending on how high or low maintenance your hair is, there are different products available to you – volumizing shampoo, dry shampoo, moisturizing shampoo, etc. There’s no shortage of options available. But in looking through hair care shelves, you don’t tend to see products made for women over a certain age. Sure, there may be hair products for this color or that color, or this thickness or those curls, but with the way hair changes as women get older, we need something made for them.

Better Not Younger offers a line of hair care products designed specifically for women over 40 who are looking for something that takes care of their growing needs. In fact, they tout that their products “are the first specifically designed for aging hair.”

The Better Not Younger line contains 12 unique products that coddle aging hair and keep it beautiful and healthy. Despite what trashy rag magazines might try and sell you, younger is not necessarily better, hence the name of this one-of-a-kind hair care brand.

Whether you’re looking for daily supplements that will encourage the growth of healthy hair or are looking for volumizing shampoo to keep your hair nice and full, Better Not Younger has this market cornered.

Better Not Younger offers a quality volumizing shampoo that they’ve named Wake Up Call. This volumizing shampoo is exactly that, a product designed to bring out the rich luster that your hair may have lost in age. In other words, Wake Up Call “wakes your hair up” and revitalizes dull, thinning hair. And like the rest of their hair care products, Wake Up Call is harmful chemical and cruelty free.

Other Better Not Younger hair care products include New Dawn (scalp cleanser), Lift Me Up (hair thickener) and Superpower (fortifying hair and scalp serum).

For women 40 and up, Better Not Younger offers a solution to drying, thinning hair, an unfortunate side effect of aging. These 12 hair care products allow women to maintain their beautiful, luscious locks without succumbing to the stereotypes of growing older.

You can purchase Better Not Younger hair care products by visiting Better-NotYounger.com.

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