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Why We Need Technology

Technology is one of those things that many take for guaranteed. This is because for many people it has been around ever since they were born, as such it has become part and parcel of their lives. As a result, we tend to forget the benefits that technology that gives us. That is why today we want to look at a few of the most important reason why we need technology.


Have you imagined what life would be like if we didn’t have the smartphones and all the network towers that we have today? We would have to go back to writing letters that would take forever to be delivered and we would have to resort to sending pigeons with important notices that would also take ages to reach their destination. As such one of the main reason why we need technology is for communication. Whether is playing French jeu machine a sous, you need technology to translate each and every word you don’t understand.


It’s hard to imagine what eth education system would be like without technology. All thanks to technology, research has been made easier. We mean, we did have libraries before but not everyone had access to libraries. But now all thanks to technology, we have virtual libraries as well as virtual chat rooms making education so much easier. And to add on to that, we have online learning platforms that can allow people to learn to their hearts content without having to leave home.


Another of the important reasons why we need technology is for security. Not only security when we play online pokies real money, but general security in the banks and even at home. We can now travel with ease knowing that our homes are safe wherever we are.


Another reason why we need technology is for exploration. All thanks to technology we can now go to space, well not all of use, but those who are trained to do so

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