Home Consumer The Ultimate Lawn Mower Robot – MowRo

The Ultimate Lawn Mower Robot – MowRo

Consumer Update

Keeping your lawn mowed is a lot easier in theory than in practice. Staying on top of rapidly growing grass and keeping it in maintain requires constant attention on the homeowner’s part. That’s even more evident during peak grass growing season. God forbid you’re using a push mower. Gas and electric mowers are hard enough, but if you’re breaking your back with a push mower, you’re going to end up sweaty, sore, and ready to sell your house.

With the number of technological advances in recent years, it doesn’t make sense that we’d be using the same old push mower or even gas or electric mower. Robots are hard at work in our house, vacuuming and dealing with plenty of other automated chores, so why not outside our house? I think it’s time for a lawn mower robot to keep your lawn looking nice and manicured.

MowRo is a lawn mower robot that automates your mowing experience and sets it to an exact schedule, so you never have to worry about it. You can set the time, duration and even the exact area you want your lawn mowed. Now, unlike gas-powered lawn mowers, this workhorse operates off batteries and that means no exhaust, fumes or harmful greenhouse gases to deal with. It also means no exorbitant fuel costs.

The compact size of the MowRo lawn mower robot allows it to be easily tucked away in your yard, ready to perform its lawn mowing duties. It’ll stay housed in its little charging station, waiting to mow your lawn at whatever time you’ve designated.

The MowRo lawn mower robot sports three razor-sharp cutting blades installed in a cutting disc. As it revolves at an impressive 2900 RPM, it slices through grass with ease, producing a beautifully manicured lawn. Obviously, not all lawns are built the same, and not everyone has the same expectations as to how their lawn should look. Luckily, the MowRo mower includes the ability to set exact preferences and how short you want your grass cut.

Multiple sensors allow the MowRo lawn mower robot to detect objects, pets, kids and anything left out accidentally. It also features a rain sensor that detects heavy rain, allowing it to return to its charging dock and wait until it’s dry.

And last, but not least, this good little robot is quiet, so you won’t disturb your neighbors or your sleep if you let it run overnight.

Purchase your MowRo lawn mower robot at MowRo.com.

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