Home NewsWatch The Leading Producer of Science Videos is JoVE

The Leading Producer of Science Videos is JoVE

Tech Report

Digital learning is more important now than ever before. While certain subjects can be explained through literature, science, especially with complex experiments, require precise details that are better captured through video.

JoVE is the leading producer of science videos, used worldwide for research, teaching, and learning.

JoVE was initially started as a video publication for research and education with the main idea to increase efficiency.

It allows scientists to see how experiments and new technology apply in the lab through video.

This demonstration allows them to learn new technology much faster than the traditional textbook.

Video can be seen as more effective than text materials, especially when it comes to demonstrations of the physical procedures.

It’s difficult enough to relay complex technical processes via text so JoVE helps to show what’s happening and as it happens in the lab.

Along with this technology, there have been studies conducted that have shown students who have learned via video and those who have learned via text materials.

To learn more and explore JoVE, visit jove.com/today.

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