Home Consumer Filti is Promoting Healthy Breathing Through Their Innovative NF95 Respirators

Filti is Promoting Healthy Breathing Through Their Innovative NF95 Respirators

Consumer Update

A big part of combating the current pandemic is actively doing our part to filter out airborne particles that we would otherwise be breathing.

Filti is on a mission to promote healthy breathing and healthy living.

Their patent-pending nanofiber material is capable of filtering out up to 95% of airborne particles, including bacteria and, yes, viruses.

This revolutionary material has been incorporated into a number of designs meant to promote healthy breathing.

Filti’s NF95 Respirator is constructed using this highly effective nanofiber technology.

These respirators come 20 or 50 in a pack and offer some of the best protection out there for pesky bacteria and viruses.

They have greater than 95% filtration efficiency of .3 microns. In other words, they were designed to protect you from the viruses and bacteria spread by others.

But breathing is equally important, and you don’t want anything making that harder.

The Filti NF95 Respirator mask features excellent air transfer of 60 pascals DP at 5.33 centimeters per second. This allows you to wear it no matter your activity.

It doesn’t reroute the air either, it filters it. If we can stop the little microns from making it into our air pathways, we can stave off viruses and bacteria projected through the air.

Get back to a new normal. You can buy your face masks today by visiting Filti.com.

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