Home News Stand Hockey Fans Awaiting Lockdowns and Curfews to End

Hockey Fans Awaiting Lockdowns and Curfews to End

people, friendship, sport and leisure concept - happy friends watching hockey game or figure skating performance on ice rink arena

We have all suffered over the last year or so with the pandemic in one way or another, however there is finally some light at the end of the tunnel, and thankfully it will not be long now until things start to get back to normal.

I know all you Hockey fans out there cannot wait for the day when you can finally start planning which matches you can attend once again and start filling up your calendar with those events.

In fact, many businesses involved in sports in general such as those found on the Betting.ca website such as brick and mortar sportsbooks and even hockey betting site operators are eagerly awaiting the return of live sporting events, so they can start generating income once again.

As for just how long we are all going to have to wait until our lives finally get back to normal, well having seen the great speed at which some countries of the world have been rolling out their vaccination programs and implementing new light touch rules regarding social distancing and the wearing of face coverings, it should not be too long now until Canada gets things on track.

Will the Sporting Industry Survive with Reduced Sponsorship?

Money as they say, makes the world go round, and over the years a fortune has been paid out by businesses eager to be associated with sporting events, sports teams and even individual sportsmen and sportswomen.

However, with the devastating effects of the pandemic having decimated the income and profits of the majority of business across the globe, that in turn is going to force the hand of many business owners to reduce their sponsorship or sporting evens.

Not only will sponsorship levels drop, so too will the number of companies that advertise at such venues, which in turn will then see many sporting clubs, including Hockey clubs having to look at ways to replace the income they generated via sponsorship and advertising.

A whole new business structure and business model will be required and will need to be adopted and put into place if many clubs are going to survive the next year or so, but they are resourceful and will always have their fans to help them stay in business, so it is not going to be all doom and gloom out there with the help of their fans.

Hockey Matches to Go Ahead with a Reduced Spectator Capacity

I think it is fair and true to say that whilst many fans of Hockey are going to be eager to get back out there and attend the many matches that they used to make the effort to attend and watch during the season, some people will not be inclined to do so.

Even when the majority of people have been vaccinated, due to ongoing health concerns I just know some fans of the sport will be reluctant to attend any sporting events, and not just Hockey matches, which is going to hit the industry hard regarding ticket sales and the like.

As such there is bound to be a much greater emphasis on televising as many sporting events as possible and that in turn will lead to a sharp increase in the number of pay per view sporting events, as sport clubs will be eager to get as many income streams live as they possibly can do.

It has been suggested that in the short term at least, once lockdowns come to an end finally, sporting arenas are going to be required to operate with a much reduced capacity, so the battle will certainly be on to bag tickets for any sporting events that do start to get planned in the months ahead, even when reduced sporting arena capacity rules come into place.

But fear not, one day and hopefully in the not too distant future, things will return to normal, which is what everybody is hoping to see happening.

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