Home Biz Report InnovaLinq – One-Stop Solution for Licensing and Renewal Applications

InnovaLinq – One-Stop Solution for Licensing and Renewal Applications

Biz Report

Operating within a highly regulated industry like casino gaming requires having your paperwork in order, especially when it comes to licenses.

People in the industry have long known the drudgery of filling out repetitive applications and renewals. With hundreds of licensing jurisdictions around the world, the effort involved in getting and maintaining licenses is a huge loss of time, money, and resources.

The brilliant minds at Innovum Technologies recognized that automation was the answer and created InnovaLinq, the one-stop solution for licensing and renewal applications.

This unique software solution expedites the license application process by simplifying data entry to a one-time effort and automating the actual creation of the license application. All of that tedious work that goes into traditional applications is gone.

And by utilizing InnovaLinq’s convenient tracking reports and creating automatic renewals, you’ll never have to waste time or effort on tedious repetitive applications every time they come due. Integrate InnovaLinq into your current workflow with ease.

No need to conform to some new system that disrupts your current work environment.

InnovaLinq was designed around securely protecting your sensitive personal information.

Best of all, InnovaLinq has no up-front costs and no long-term commitments. You only pay for what you use.

The gaming industry is highly regulated and requires you to dot all I’s and cross all T’s to avoid costly licensing delays. And InnovaLinq can service any highly regulated industry, not just gaming.

Maintaining your license portfolio with InnovaLinq is a cinch. Get started today by heading on over to InnovumTechnologies.com.

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