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A New You in 2022: 4 Things That Will Help You Look and Feel Fabulous

As the end of the year draws closer, it’s typically a time when many of us start thinking about resolutions and things we want to achieve next year. The most common usually pertain to health and lifestyle. Perhaps we ate a few too many cakes this year or didn’t stick to the goals we set last year and want to do better this time around. Maybe you want to widen your circle of friends or pursue a new hobby.

Whatever it may be, now is a great time to put a plan in place and consider any changes that may make your feel happier or make your life more fulfilled. If you know that you want to switch things up a bit but aren’t sure how – read on for a bit of inspiration.

Here are 4 things that will help you look and feel fabulous in 2022.

A closet overhaul

If you’ve been wearing the same clothes for years or feel that you want to start experimenting with different looks, then now is a great time to give your closet an overhaul. If you don’t feel confident doing this alone or want a second opinion, why not ask a few friends to do it with you? Not only is it good to get someone else’s take on things, but you can have a bit of fun at the same time.

One of the best ways to start a process like this is to empty the contents of your closet as if you were starting from scratch. Try on each item and put anything that either doesn’t fit or you no longer like to one side. If you are worried about getting rid of certain items on the off chance you do eventually fit into them, pop them all in a bag and put them in a garage or loft so they can be resurrected if and when the time comes. If you have key pieces that you love but don’t have complimentary items to wear with them, make a note of the type of thing you need to purchase to make a complete outfit, and then hit the mall!

You might be surprised at how amazing you feel knowing that your closet is not only organized but filled with outfits that you love and look great in.


When your skin looks healthy and has a natural glow, it can make you feel more confident, so it’s always worth doing what you can to improve and maintain it. There are various ways to do this, but one of the cheapest and best is to stay hydrated. If you don’t drink much water at the moment, making a conscious effort to stay hydrated is a resolution worth making. As well as giving you a bit of an energy boost, drinking 2 to 3 liters of water a day can help brighten your skin and clear any problem areas that you may have.

Another way to give your skin a much-needed lift is to implement a proper skincare routine. This is particularly important if you wear makeup. It can clog up your pores and dry out your skin which can in turn cause impurities, blemishes and spots.

If you have extremely difficult skin, many health and wellness clinics can arrange to have specialist tests carried out. Saliva testing companies analyze your DNA which in turn allows a personalized skincare routine to be put together just for you!

If you prefer a more traditional approach, then cleansing, toning, and moisturizing every day can make a big difference to the appearance of your skin.


A change of eating habits

Losing weight is probably the most common resolution people make when a new year comes around. The issue however is sticking to it. In the first few weeks, you may feel motivated but, over time, you may start to lose willpower. By looking at it as a new way of eating rather than a diet, you might find it easier to contend with.

There’s a wide array of diets promoted these days, such as keto, paleo, etc. Intermittent fasting, where you only eat for a certain number of hours each day, is also very popular and can produce great results. Sometimes you need a bit of trial and error before you find what works for you.

If you want something that won’t cause you to fall off the wagon, then you can’t go too far wrong with a balanced diet packed with fresh vegetables and fruit. Many people choose to cut meat and dairy altogether and go on a whole food plant-based diet. Scientific studies even suggest that this way of eating may also help prevent and, in some cases, reverse certain illnesses and diseases.

Keep stress levels in check

Stress affects most of us at one time or another and may even have a detrimental impact on our wellbeing. It can affect your blood pressure and heart health and can also cause difficulty concentrating. In severe cases, it can cause issues with relationships as well as your ability to carry out your job as effectively as you perhaps should.  If you fall into this category, you must find ways to minimize the impact it has and deal with it head-on.

Perhaps you are snowed under at work, or maybe your marriage isn’t as good as it should be. Whatever the reason, take steps to deal with it. Counseling can help you find mechanisms to cope when things get too much or if you think it’s something you could enjoy, why not try meditating. It can take a while to get into the zone but is very powerful for the body and mind.

What may seem like minor changes could be enough to make you look and feel like a different person. Make a plan now, and when 2022 comes around, you will be motivated and ready.

A new year and a new you awaits!


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