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Meta Sets Event to Unveil Next-Gen VR Headset

By: Nick Gambino

Meta has set the date for their next Connect event where they discuss and celebrate all things virtual reality. The virtual event will take place on October 11th and we expect Mark Zuckerberg to unveil the most powerful and impressive VR headset to date.

At the same time as the announcement, the Meta CEO shared an image on Facebook of him wearing a non-descript VR headset, a very likely reference to the next-gen device we’ll be seeing in a month. What that VR headset will be is strictly conjecture at this point because it hasn’t been confirmed.

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If we had to take a guess, we’d say it was the Project Cambria mixed-reality headset that everyone has been anxiously awaiting. That guess is a pretty educated one as Zuckerberg himself said the high-end VR headset was coming out later this year. And no, we still have not seen what it looks like. Though, we have gotten glimpses into what it’s like to look through the lenses.

Cambria utilizes the Presence Platform to seamlessly overlay a virtual reality over the real world, creating a blended mixed-reality experience. While Quest 2 users will be able to try some of the games, there are a lot of experiences that are being developed to be used solely on the Cambria headset with full color passthrough. And in case you were wondering, it certainly won’t be cheap. Rumors have the device priced at around $800.

“The Meta Quest 2, or as some call it, the Oculus Quest 2, is a fantastic VR headset for both beginners and experienced VR veterans. If you’re into the VR world, it is a borderline must-have device that doesn’t require massive additional costs,” said Andrew Tropeano, host of NewsWatch TV. “I’m excited to see the upgrades that Meta is implementing into Project Cambria. Whether it be watching movies, playing games, or streaming, it’s going to be an exciting toy.”

A year after the company rebranded as Meta, we’ll hopefully see some of the most promising advances in the world of VR. You can stream the Meta Connect event on October 11th at 1pm EST on the Facebook page for Reality Labs.

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