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Feed3 Will Play A Significant Role In Blockchain Technology And The Crypto Market – Here’s How

No, you aren’t in the year 2085 – artificial intelligence (AI) is here and is a part of our everyday lives. There is no escaping this ground-breaking technology on the path to revamping the blockchain industry and play-to-earn (P2E) games. Developers behind cryptocurrencies should consider implementing this technology into their platform if they want to stay competitive.

At the forefront of this innovation is Feed3 (FD3), a cryptocurrency that is promoting the Web 3.0 ecosystem and shaping a new system that allows players to earn tokens from their feedback on blockchain-enabled games. With a unique AI system named Freeda, players can express their concerns related to the game they are playing to help developers improve their platform. This ideal method can take blockchain-enabled games to another universe.

What Are Feed3’s Targets?

When launching any project, it is essential to know who or what industry you are targeting, and the creators behind Feed3 know princely what their goal is. Feed3 aims to target the P2E games and video games industry and Metaverse.

Play-to-earn games are an attractive way to lure gamers to a developer’s platform. As Feed3 intends to be a community-driven platform, P2E games only make sense. Feed3 does something different by fusing P2E games with its feedback-to-earn model (FB2E), which will enable developers of P2E games to collect feedback from players concerning gameplay.

After Mark Zuckerberg announced Metaverse in 2021, the games industry was not the same. With the potential of scaling from $100 billion to over $1,500 by the year 2029, the potential of Metaverse is limitless. Metaverse has the promise to take gaming to another level, and Feed3 is looking to utilize this with plans to partner with The Sandbox, Decentraland, and Otherdeed for Otherside.

AI-Powered NFTs Are Real!

Freeda is not the only AI-powered technology in Feed3’s arsenal. The team at Feed3 designed F3-BOTS – also known as intelligent NFTs (iNFTs). Feed3 fuses its pre-trained AI language model with a collection of 10,000 Ethereum-based NFT avatars to build F3-BOTS.


iNFTs provide enhanced data security, decentralized intelligence, trustworthy decision-making, improved efficiency, and more. In addition, the F3-BOTS will also feature embedded intelligence, self-learning abilities, and metaverse-agnostic.


Given that the F3-BOTS has embedded AI personality traits, it will be considered an intelligent asset. Its scalability is highly dependent on how much feedback it receives from players. The more feedback it receives, the higher levels it can rise.


Looking Forward To The Future Of Feed3 And Blockchain Technology


With so many innovative technologies coming out in recent years, the developers at Feed3 have created something that will go down in the history books as the first of its kind.


To summarize, Feed3 is a blockchain and AI-powered cryptocurrency, that supports the Web 3.0 ecosystem with machine learning capabilities. FD3 enables users to control their data while they operate in a decentralized environment that is secure, transparent, and more connected.


Currently, FD3 tokens are on presale, and you can buy 532 $FD3 for 1USDT – a fair price for such a token with such a ground-breaking technology. However, who knows how long this will last, given the futuristic possibilities that Feed3 can provide to the crypto market, Web 3.0, and play-to-earn games?


For more information on Feed3 (FD3), please visit the following links:


Presale: https://feed3.io/buy

Website: https://feed3.io/buy

Telegram: https://t.me/Feed3Official





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