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Cryptocurrencies That Can Boost Your Portfolio In The Ongoing Bear Market – Tezos, Loopring and Big Eyes Coin

Since the summer of 2022, the cryptocurrency industry has battled with an extreme period which is known in the mainstream as a bear market. The bear market began within the industry as a result of the crypto market crash and the global financial market crash that destabilized the financial economy. Now, seven months down the line, many members of the industry are enjoying a brief period of positive action within the crypto market. Many cryptocurrencies are currently on an upward trajectory, and the market may be returning to normalcy. In the meantime, the current climate within the cryptocurrency industry is prompting discussion within the global community as to whether it is a good time to prioritize crypto investments. It certainly is a unique opportunity that can pay dividends in the long run.

With more and more people joining the conversation each day, this piece suggests three promising cryptos that crypto investors should consider in the quest for the perfect crypto investment. With massive utility and many real-life applications, these three altcoins – Tezos (XTZ), Loopring (LRC) and Big Eyes Coin (BIG) can boost your portfolio and generate massive returns in the current climate. Here’s what makes these three cryptos absolute must-haves in the ongoing bear market.

Tezos (XTZ)

XTZ is the native cryptocurrency and utility token of Tezos, a notable crypto platform within the cryptocurrency industry synonymous with several impressive features. Tezos (XTZ) is popular all around the global crypto community for providing an ideal environment that supports smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps). When a decentralized organization known as The DAO got hacked in 2016 and lost a total of $50 million in 2016, the idea for the Tezos (XTZ) platform was born. Since its launch, the crypto platform has grown in reputation and is most notable within the cryptocurrency industry for introducing a governance model where coin holders participate in the system’s operation and future to prevent issues, such as future hacks and coding failures.


Its native cryptocurrency, XTZ, is responsible for providing utility and facilitating crypto operations, such as network governance, user interaction and payment fees.

Loopring (LRC)

Loopring (LRC) is a popular Ethereum (ETH) based Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platform within the cryptocurrency industry. It is reputable for providing an ideal environment that provides feasible solutions to some of the issues that Ethereum (ETH) faces, such as scalability concerns and is largely considered a state-of-the-art protocol where trading and payments are faster, cheaper and more accessible.



Its native cryptocurrency, LRC, is the fuel that powers its ecosystem. The token provides utility and facilitates several crypto operations, such as network governance, user interaction and payment fees.

Big Eyes Coin (BIG)

Big Eyes Coin (BIG) is an upcoming meme coin within the cryptocurrency industry that is synonymous with many impressive features, such as a massive supply (one billion tokens) and a lack of transaction taxes when utilized for daily crypto operations, such as trading. This makes the token ideal for interaction and communication within the cryptocurrency industry and among members of the crypto community.


Big Eyes Coin (BIG) is currently on presale and is on course to surpass $20 million in sales in total. For more information on the token, click here.


Big Eyes Coin (BIG):

Presale: https://buy.bigeyes.space/

Website: https://bigeyes.space/

Telegram: https://t.me/BIGEYESOFFICIAL

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