Home News Stand Giving Your Brain A Break In The Modern World: 3 Essential Tips

Giving Your Brain A Break In The Modern World: 3 Essential Tips

The modern world can be pretty hostile towards our brains. Our time and attention is taken up on a nearly 24/7 schedule, and it’s rare we even go to the bathroom without taking our phones with us. With a stream of information being presented to our eyes seemingly at all times, it’s easy to feel overstimulated and overwhelmed. That’s why it’s essential to give your brain a break; here are three tips that could help. 

Take a Walk

Going for a walk is very good for your brain. We love soaking up a bit of fresh air and spending time surrounded by the natural world; it’s much better to experience these things in person than through a screen! 

Taking time to walk for about 20 minutes once a day will have some amazing knock-on benefits. You give your brain a chance to take in the world as it evolved to do so – it’s a bit of a digital detox and it’s good for your eyes too! 

Use Health Aids if You Need Them

Giving your brain and mental health a break often means doing things to strengthen your functioning. A lot of people swear by coffee table puzzles, but if you’re someone entitled to use health aids, don’t discount them just because you think you can do without them. The modern world often requires us to push ourselves and keep going, but if there’s an aid that can help you, make good use of it. 

A deaf person has the right to choose and wear hearing aids. This is incredibly important, not only for their own accessibility, but because there’s a clear link between hearing aids and cognitive health that follows a positive correlation. Similarly, someone who needs aid when walking can help maintain the neural pathways that dictate lower body movement through the use of a walking stick. 

Take Up a Hobby That Uses Your Hands

Using your hands is good for you – and we’re not just talking about holding a phone and using your thumb to scroll or swipe! Knitting a scarf or kneading dough to bake bread are two great ways to use your hands on a regular basis. You’re having fun, you’re making something real, and you’re going to have something practical to use when you’re done. 

Hobbies like these can also turn into a thoughtless activity that helps you clear your mind. You don’t need to think about anything and it becomes second nature to use your hands in the pursuit of creation. You don’t need to follow instructions or check a tutorial online – you’re just doing something and it feels good! 

Technology isn’t bad, but if you want to give your brain a break, try out the tips above. The modern world is very digital focused and always wants you to have your eye on a screen – don’t fall into the trap! You can take some time to yourself and help your brain to feel like itself once again.

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