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Making Teaching Easier

When you are a teacher, you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. You have to make sure that young people’s education goes off without a hitch, which means you have to plan, you have to prepare, and you have to work on your teaching outlines so that your kids are going to be best off.

You need free resources and tools that can help you to teach right away, but you also need to make sure you keep that flame of teaching passion burning throughout. It is not an easy decision to become a teacher and you knew when you got started how much work would be involved. From the right LMS to the right people around you, you can make sure that you are making teaching as easy as possible for yourself and for your colleagues. You can also ensure that the children that you do teach have an education to remember. So let’s take a look at some of the best tips that you need to make teaching easier.

  • Think about the layout of your classroom. If you want to make teaching an easier thing to do, then don’t struggle with the layout and getting to know the kids. Don’t waste time tidying up the desk arrangement every single day. Make sure that you have your desks laid out in a way that they can’t just be shoved across the room, but that it’s an open forum so that all the kids can sit together and still pay attention to you and to the board. If you’re the kind of teacher that likes to move desks often, make sure that you layout the desks in a way that accommodates this.
  • Don’t get behind on your grading. If you want to make your day-to-day teaching easier, then you need to make sure that you’re staying on top of grading homework, essays, and classwork. Whether you are spot checking papers or you are looking at one or two specific issues to identify whether the class understands what you’ve taught, you need to think about a formal way of keeping on top of all of your grades. Going and doing this as a class, such as asking them to peer grade each other and doing what you can at home is important.
  • Save your planning time. It is not easy to plan lessons every single week, but it may be time for you to go digital with your planning. You can create a planning template in Google Drive and make teaching easier by giving yourself the opportunity to move lessons around. If you have it digitally, you have to just do it at the click of a couple of buttons and you’ll have your lessons planned and ready for the following term and the following year.
  • Make a point of leaning on your colleagues. If you’re struggling in one area of teaching, speak to your peers around you. Ask your colleagues how they are coping and what they are doing to make their teaching model easier.It doesn’t always have to be about making sure that your grave things are on time, but you do have to think about the way that you are interacting with the class. Ask people around you what they are doing and model that.

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