Home News Stand Clear Signs You’re In Need Of A Hearing Aid

Clear Signs You’re In Need Of A Hearing Aid

When it comes to our hearing, it won’t likely be perfect forever. Age can deteriorate your hearing naturally and it only takes one exposure to overly loud sounds for there to be damage to your hearing and ear health.

There are often some clear signs that you’re in need of a hearing aid. If it’s something that you’re looking at getting, here are those signs that will likely have you booking that appointment to see an audiologist.

You’re frequently asking people to repeat themselves

A clear sign that you’re in need of a hearing aid is the repetitiveness when it comes to your conversations. If you’re frequently asking people to repeat themselves, then it’s likely you’re having issues with your hearing.

Of course, it’s not uncommon to mishear things being said, especially if you’re in a noisy environment. However, if you’re doing this frequently and many of them aren’t within a noisy space, then you might want to get booked in for a hearing check.

You’ve noticed a change in your hearing

Have you noticed a change in your hearing? It’s a part of your senses that you might not necessarily notice if it happens over time but if it’s a sudden change where sounds sound muffled or there’s discomfort in your ears, then this could be an indication that your hearing is quite what it should be.

A change in your hearing is definitely something to be mindful of and if you’ve noticed it yourself, then it’s certainly one to follow up on.

Loved ones comment about you needing a hearing aid

While it comes from a good place, having a loved one comment about your hearing can make you feel a little self-conscious. However, it’s something that is an indication that your hearing isn’t what it was. Those who are spending the most time around you, are likely going to notice when something isn’t right, particularly when it comes to your health.

If loved ones are commenting that you need a hearing aid, then you should be taking their comments or advice seriously. 

Higher-pitched sounds can no longer be heard

There are some higher-pitched sounds that you should typically hear on a day-to-day basis. From bird songs to car alarms or smoke alarms in your home. These high-pitched sounds are often the first sounds to become muffled or disappear from your hearing.

If you’ve noticed you’re not hearing these sounds and it’s been a while since you have, then it might be worth getting your ears checked, just in case this is an ear wax issue or something more serious.

You’re experiencing ringing or discomfort in your ears

Discomfort or ringing in the ears is a sign that your hearing has been damaged. If you’ve experienced ringing or discomfort, then see an audiologist as soon as you can in order to get help to manage or resolve the problem.

It’s worth knowing how to choose your hearing aid once you know you need one. Speaking to an audiologist will help find the right one for you.


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