Home News Stand 5 Common Myths About Car Accident Lawyers Debunked

5 Common Myths About Car Accident Lawyers Debunked

Common myths about car accident lawyers can deter injured victims from retaining legal representation in their pursuit for financial compensation. This puts claimants at risk of accepting a lower settlement than their case is worth, facing an unfair denial, or suffering financially as the insurance company stalls their case. Debunking the myths that pollute the public opinion of car accident attorneys is a crucial step in ensuring that injured victims protect their rights in the wake of a crash. 

Myth #1: I Can’t Afford a Car Accident Lawyer

Car accident victims may avoid retaining legal representation as a reflection of the financial strain they are already experiencing. Injuries sustained in a crash often yield high medical treatment costs. When these expenses are coupled with the reduced income caused by missing work, financial pressure begins to build. Victims may think, “I can’t afford a car accident lawyer,” and, subsequently, accept the first settlement offered by the insurance company, regardless of their case’s true value. 

The Truth: Car Accident Lawyers Work on a Contingency Fee Basis

Car accident attorneys rarely charge their clients upfront. Instead, as with most personal injury attorneys, they work under a contingency fee arrangement. This means initial consultations are often free, and the cost for ensuing representation is taken out of the resulting settlement award. These fees generally equate to 30% of the settlement, and the settlement itself is typically higher than a victim would have achieved on his or her own, meaning represented victims pocket more for their losses. If a case is unsuccessful, victims do not have to pay for legal fees.

Myth #2: You Don’t Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident

After a car accident, insurance companies may appear to be operating in the best interests of the victim. Insurance adjusters may seem to be helping claimants sort through the claims process, jointly working toward a fair settlement. However, these companies are actually serving their employer’s best interests. While they may appear to be helpful, the reality is they are working to reduce or misrepresent the value of a case. When working with insurance companies, victims may believe they don’t need a lawyer because it already feels as though they have an advocate.

The Truth: Insurance Adjusters Are Not Your Friend

Although it may appear to a victim that they are in good hands, unrepresented auto accident cases tend to yield lower settlement awards that fail to account for the true cost of a crash. Retaining a car accident lawyer is the best way to ensure your rights are protected, and your losses are truly accounted for. Car accident lawyers are familiar with the tactics used by insurance companies to undermine your claim, and have designed strategies to circumvent these and other obstacles.

Myth #3: Lawyers Only Complicate the Claims Process

Bringing a car accident lawyer on board to fight your claim may seem like an unwarranted complication in an otherwise simplistic process. To some extent, it is a reasonable assumption. From the insurance company’s perspective, it is an undeniable truth. Without a lawyer present, a claim may move faster, as a victim is vulnerable to the pressures placed on him or her to settle quickly. When an attorney comes into play, negotiations ensue, and cases run the risk of going to trial. 

The Truth: Auto Accident Lawyers Contribute to Better Outcomes for Claimants

A car accident lawyer represents the victim’s best interests. If the insurance company is neglecting to offer a fair settlement, an attorney will advise against accepting it and push for a better outcome through negotiations. While it may seem like an aimless complication, this effort is made with the intention of ensuring a victim is compensated for the true costs of a crash. 

Myth #4: I Don’t Need a Lawyer If the Car Accident Wasn’t My Fault

Victims may perceive a case as open and shut if they know they weren’t at fault for a crash. After all, the evidence should reasonably demonstrate the truth of the situation. However, the lack of legal representation means the defendant has the opportunity to misrepresent the circumstances of the crash and pass liability off to the victim. 

The Truth: A Lawyer Ensures Your Rights Are Protected

Gathering sufficient evidence is only one step in proving an accident case. Car accident attorneys can use police reports, expert witness testimony, accident reconstructionists, documentation of the accident scene, wage statements, and medical records to paint a thorough picture of the events that transpired and their consequences. This helps to prove who truly caused an accident, and how badly injured a victim was. 

Myth #5: All Car Accident Lawyers Are the Same

In a virtual sea of attorneys and law firm websites, common messaging is often echoed in an attempt to reach potential clients searching for representation. When tag lines, article topics, and other details resemble one another firm to firm, it may begin to appear that all car accident attorneys are the same, and only vary by the fees charged and the colors used in their site design. However, there is much more to the merit of a car accident lawyer than the messaging present on his or her site. 

The Truth: Finding the Best Injury Attorney Requires Thorough Vetting

Attorneys vary in the level of service they provide to clients, the origin of their education, their social background, and their years of experience practicing law. These factors come together to yield an attorney whose skills are tailored to meet the needs of your case. The sea of attorneys can be whittled down by checking ratings, reading client testimonials, researching credentials, and attending free consultations to get a feel for the firm. 

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