Home News Stand Can Technological Advancements Make Hydrogen Fuel a Mainstream?

Can Technological Advancements Make Hydrogen Fuel a Mainstream?

The globe is facing climate change concerns and an urgent need for sustainable energy alternatives. Hydrogen fuel has emerged as a possible candidate in the search for better energy sources. It offers a compelling vision of a future where fossil fuel dependence is significantly reduced and carbon emissions are curtailed.

Despite its potential, this fuel has faced numerous hurdles that have hindered its widespread adoption. However, recent technological advancements are poised to transform this landscape, making it a viable mainstream energy source.

In this article, we will look at some recent technological developments in the hydrogen fuel landscape. We will also determine if these advancements are enough to make this promising energy mainstream.

The Promise of Hydrogen Fuel

Hydrogen fuel’s appeal lies in its versatility and environmental benefits. As Forbes states, it combines with oxygen to drive cars, with water and heat as the only byproducts. This process is virtually emissions-free, making it an attractive alternative to fossil fuels. Doing this can help decarbonize the natural gas network by as much as 20%. Moreover, it can then be turned into electricity, too, by burning it.

Additionally, this element can be produced from various sources, including natural gas, water, and biomass, which adds to its versatility. It can power several applications, from vehicles and industrial equipment to residential and commercial buildings.

This versatility positions the element as a key player in achieving a zero-emission energy system. However, realizing this potential requires overcoming several significant challenges, primarily related to production, storage, and distribution.

Technological Barriers and How Recent Developments Can Solve Them

There are many technical obstacles to using hydrogen as a major energy source, but new advancements appear to hold promise. The following are the main obstacles and how developments are overcoming them:

Storage and Distribution

As noted by H2MOF, hydrogen is a low-density gas, making storage and transportation more complex and costly than conventional gases. Some methods used to store it include compressing or liquefying, each presenting its technical and economic challenges. Additionally, a lack of infrastructure for its distribution, such as pipelines and refueling stations, has stymied its widespread use.

However, advancements in hydrogen storage technologies are making strides. Researchers are exploring new methods, such as using solid-state nanomaterials designed with atomic precision to store it at low pressure and ambient temperature. Storing hydrogen at lower pressure and ambient temperature also reduces safety concerns and requires less energy consumption.

Moreover, new materials, such as metal hydrides, carbon nanotubes, and metal-organic frameworks, can absorb and release the element more efficiently. Additionally, innovations in compression and liquefaction techniques reduce the energy required for storage and make it more practical for various applications.

Infrastructural changes, driven by public and private sector investments, are also being made regarding the use of this technology. Governments worldwide invest in refueling stations, pipelines, and production facilities.

For example, the European Union has launched the Hydrogen Strategy for a Climate-Neutral Europe, aiming to establish a network of refueling stations and promote its green production. In the United States, the Department of Energy’s H2@Scale initiative supports the development of infrastructure and technologies.


Historically, hydrogen production has been energy-intensive and expensive, particularly when derived from non-renewable sources such as natural gas. The most common method, steam methane reforming (SMR), produces significant carbon dioxide emissions, undermining its environmental benefits.

Electrolysis, which splits water into H and O2 molecules using electricity, offers a cleaner alternative but has been hindered by high costs. One of the most significant advancements here is innovations in electrolyzer technology, which have led to increased efficiency and reduced costs.

For instance, the advent of proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzers and solid oxide electrolyzers has improved the efficiency of water-splitting processes. These advancements make green hydrogen production more economically viable and environmentally friendly.

It’s not just electrolysis; SMR and SMR with carbon capture (SMRCC) are also becoming affordable to use. A study from ScienceDaily states that hydrogen is poised to become a cost-competitive alternative to traditional fuels.

Real-World Applications

Hydrogen fuel has gained popularity as a feasible energy source for many applications due to its ability to reduce carbon emissions. Here are some significant case studies and real-world applications of hydrogen fuel:

Automotive Industry

The automotive industry is one of the most promising areas for hydrogen fuel adoption. Major automakers, including Toyota, Hyundai, and Honda, have developed hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) that offer longer ranges and faster refueling times.

Toyota’s Mirai and Hyundai’s Nexo are notable examples of commercially available FCVs. Additionally, heavy-duty transportation, such as trucks and buses, is increasingly adopting these fuel cells due to their higher energy density.

Industrial Applications

The element is also gaining traction in industrial applications, particularly in sectors that are challenging to decarbonize, such as steel production. Green hydrogen can replace carbon-intensive processes, significantly reducing emissions.

For instance, companies like ThyssenKrupp and ArcelorMittal are exploring hydrogen-based steel production. This could revolutionize the industry by eliminating carbon emissions from one of the largest sources of industrial CO2.

ThyssenKrupp has even asked tenders to supply the requirements for 143,000 metric tons of hydrogen to initiate the plant. When the plant is all set to start, it is projected to produce 2.5 million metric tons of directly reduced iron. The initial use of this element in the plant is scheduled for 2028, and that’s what ThyssenKrupp has called out tenders for.

Residential and Commercial Use

Hydrogen can also be used for residential and commercial energy needs. Fuel cells can provide electricity and heating for buildings, offering an efficient and low-emission alternative to conventional energy sources.

Projects like Japan’s Ene-Farm program have demonstrated the feasibility of residential fuel cells, with thousands of households using them for energy. According to Statista, the number of installed ENE-FARM devices in 2021 was around 433.2 thousand. From just 49.44 thousand in 2012, the sales of this device have increased by close to nine times in the past decade.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will fuel cells run on hydrogen in the future?

Fuel cells combine hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity; the only byproducts are heat and water. Therefore, fuel cells are a desirable alternative for lowering greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels.

Why isn’t hydrogen fuel utilized more often?

Hydrogen fuel has great promise but is not currently employed extensively for various reasons. The majority of its generation now depends on carbon dioxide-emitting natural gas.

What is the main disadvantage of using hydrogen as fuel?

The main disadvantage of using hydrogen as a fuel is that it is difficult to store and transport. Because of its low energy density, it cannot be efficiently stored or transported without cryogenic temperatures or high-pressure tanks.

In the future, can hydrogen fuel take the place of fossil fuels?

In the future, hydrogen fuels may replace fossil fuels, especially in industries like heavy industry and long-distance transportation. But this shift would require overcoming formidable technological, financial, and infrastructure obstacles.

To conclude, technological developments can potentially make it a mainstream energy source. Innovations in green production, storage, fuel cell technology, and infrastructure development address the key challenges historically hindering its adoption. 

The element can be central to a sustainable, low-carbon energy future supported by strong government policies and private sector investment. As these advancements continue, it may transition from a promising alternative to a dominant force in the global energy landscape.

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