Home Travel Blessings of Ramadan Umrah Plus Tips to Make Your Tour Easy

Blessings of Ramadan Umrah Plus Tips to Make Your Tour Easy

As per the saying of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, the reward of doing Umrah in Ramadan is equal to Hajj. This one statement elevates the importance of this pilgrimage, and that’s why over 30 million Muslims from all across the globe gathered in 2024 to do Ramadan Umrah.

However, several other factors make this holy month special, which will be the discussion point of this article. Moreover, we’ll share some tips on how to make your pilgrimage easy, as pilgrims often find it hard to do Umrah in Ramadan.

What Makes Ramdan Umrah Special?

From the first day of the month till the last sunset, every second of Ramadan is full of blessings as the reward for each good deed is increased a thousand times. However, the following factors make this month even more special:

1)     Taraweeh Prayer

The word Taraweeh is Arabic and means to relax or rest. It denotes ‘to pray taking frequent rests,’ as Muslims take breaks for a few minutes after praying 4 rakats. The prayer is observed in the sets of 2 rakats, ending at 20.

Prophet PBUH used to observe this prayer after Isha. Following the tradition, Muslims today observe this prayer after Isha including in Masjid-al-Haram and Masjid-al-Nabawi. Praying Taraweeh in the holiest mosques on Earth while listening to the soulful voice of the imam is undoubtedly a spiritual experience that makes Ramadan Umrah packages worth it.

2)     I’tikaaf

Another Sunnah worship is to observe I’tikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan. I’tikaf means ‘isolation’ as the Prophet PBUH used to seclude himself in the last Ashra of Ramadan to worship Allah. No doubt that the spiritual bliss of doing i’tikaf rises tenfold when done in the holiest sites on Earth.

During I’tikaf, a Muslim is supposed to read the Quran, pray to Allah for His blessings and forgiveness, observe prayers, ponder over his life, and work on purifying his soul. Muslims opting for Ramadan Umrah can apply for I’tikaf for free, and they are allocated a specific place in the Mosque of Haram where their meals are arranged. They can move inside the mosque premises and also perform Umrah if they wish.

3)     The Night of Qadr

Also called Laylat-ul-Qadr or the Night of Decree, it is told to be better than a thousand nights by Allah and occurs in the last ten days of Ramadan. The exact date or day of the night of Qadr is not known but in light of several hadiths, it takes place in the odd days of Ramadan. However, most scholars consider the 27th night of the holy month as the Night of Qadr.

What better place to spend the last ten days of Ramadan than the Haram Mosque? Imagine doing Umrah while fasting and in the state of I’tikaf, and praying every night looking for Laylat-ul-Qadr. It’s like winning a lottery that makes you rich overnight.

4)     Increase in Good Deeds

One of the major blessings of Ramadan is an increase in the kind acts and Muslims showing love and respect towards each other. Muslims try to evoke Allah’s mercy by increasing their good deeds as the reward of good deeds is raised tenfold. They do charity, practicing kindness, empathy, and patience, and greeting fellow Muslims with smiles as the Prophet ﷺ said that smiling at a Muslim brother is also charity.

This can be especially experienced in the mosques of Mecca and Medina where you can see people distributing food, drinks, fragrances, prayer mats, etc., for free. Almost every pilgrim shares this experience that they ate for free during their whole trip. They felt like guests of Allah who were taken care of all the time. This is truly a remarkable experience that every Muslim cherishes for their whole lives.

Pro Tips to Easily Perform Umrah in Ramadan

It’s pretty hectic to do Umrah while fasting and facing intense heat as Ramadan often occurs during the dry season. Pilgrims still embrace the pain and struggle in hopes of receiving Allah’s blessings and acceptance of their deeds. However, precautions are always advised to make Umrah as easy as possible to avoid health issues that can make the rest of the journey problematic. So, here are a few pro tips to make your Ramadan Umrah convenient:

  1. If you can, perform Umrah after breaking the fast.
  2. In case you decide to do Umrah while fasting, consider these times best for this purpose, i.e., after Fajr or before dusk. The reason for Performing Umrah right before dusk is that you can avoid the severe heat of the sun. Performing Umrah after Fajr has two benefits i.e., first, the sun is just rising at this time so you can easily avoid intense heat. Secondly, it is easy to do Umrah after suhoor as you have the energy to make the pilgrimage.
  • Take a shower before doing Umrah (following the conditions of Ihram) so you feel energized enough to perform this hectic task. After doing Umrah, take a shower again to get fresh and regain your energy.
  1. Instead of over-eating at iftar or suhoor, eat and drink a little every hour in between these times. Over-eating can make it hard for you to properly perform your worship as you feel dizzy and heavy.
  2. Eat nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables that are loaded with proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
  3. Take frequent breaks while doing Umrah to avoid over-exertion.

You can relish the most enlightening experience by embarking on Umrah in Ramadan 2025 as this month is a gift from Allah for His people. So, reserve your seats for the holy journey by opting for all-inclusive umrah packages for Ramadan offered by Muslims Holy Travel.

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