Home News Stand What Legal Tech Trends Are Expected to Dominate in 2025?

What Legal Tech Trends Are Expected to Dominate in 2025?

The legal industry has experienced unprecedented transformation in recent years thanks to rapid technological advances. Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cloud computing are transforming the way legal work is done. The rapid pace of change continues to accelerate without signs of slowing down.

Looking ahead to 2025, key legal tech trends are set to disrupt traditional practices.  

Let’s explore some of the major developments expected to dominate the legal landscape in just a few short years.

Increased Tech Investment to Strengthen In-House Capabilities

Many legal departments consider technology as a cost-effective way to manage increasing workloads. A recent survey by Gartner found that over 60% of legal leaders plan to accelerate their investments in legal tech. The most effective solutions can do more than just reduce costs or automate routine work. They allow legal staff to focus on higher-priority strategic tasks by maximizing the value of employees.

Rather than using technology only for short-term automation, forward-thinking organizations are taking a holistic approach. They assess how specific tools and services can enhance what legal teams can accomplish. This creates an “augmented legal workforce” where technology complements employee capabilities. 

Employees can then perform work at higher levels with the help of AI and automation. By 2026, it’s estimated that half of office employees in large companies will work alongside AI. This collaboration aims to boost productivity or improve the quality of their work. An augmented approach to legal technology can yield benefits beyond just cost-cutting.

Marketing Automation Tools Are Simplifying Communication and Improving Workflows

Law firms often face challenges in marketing because of its specialized nature. Additionally, it requires significant time to nurture leads and maintain strong client relationships. This is where marketing automation comes into play.

Marketing automation refers to the use of technology to streamline and automate repetitive marketing tasks. This approach offers several benefits for law firms:

  • Maintaining consistent communication with potential and existing clients
  • Fostering stronger client relationships
  • Improving the return on marketing investments

While some marketing activities still require a human touch, automation can handle many routine tasks. This technology, primarily software-based, coordinates cyclical marketing activities across various channels, particularly online, to boost campaign effectiveness. 

The marketing automation sector has experienced rapid growth and is projected to continue expanding. Industry forecasts suggest that global revenue in this field will reach approximately $8 billion in 2024, representing a 12.6% increase. As per Statista, by 2032, this figure is expected to surge by over 160%, hitting $21.7 billion annually.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are a key component of marketing automation. Law firms can benefit from legal-specific CRM software tailored to their unique needs. 

For instance, personal injury law firms can utilize personal injury CRM systems designed specifically for their practice area. These tools can help streamline case management, improve client service, and bring order to previously chaotic processes. 

As noted by SimplyConvert, a well-implemented CRM system can significantly enhance a law firm’s operational efficiency and client management capabilities.

CRM systems allow law firms to manage all aspects of a case efficiently. Firms can access important client and case details from any device. Staff can review notes about the case from prior conversations and store any necessary forms within the system. 

Communication with clients is seamless through features that facilitate phone calls, text messages, and email directly within the interface. This helps firms maintain strong relationships, as attorneys can easily review past correspondence, such as phone recordings, sent and received emails, etc. 

The CRM acts as a single source of truth for the case by centralizing all important information in one easy-to-use platform. This level of organization helps firms deliver high-quality service while empowering attorneys and staff to be more productive.

The Rising Adoption of AI Tools in Legal Research

A recent report suggests that the use and interest in AI-powered legal research tools are growing. According to the ABA, in 2022, slightly over 15% of small law firms and 3.7% of solo attorneys reported using or being interested in such technologies. 

By 2023, those figures increased to 20.7% for small firms and 14.6% for solo practitioners.

Another report also observed differing views between firm sizes. Smaller practices expressed greater openness to integrating AI tools going forward compared to larger firms, which expressed more concerns regarding legal and compliance risks.

As the capabilities of AI research solutions advance, they have strong potential to radically improve efficiency. By mining vast amounts of legal data and continuously learning, AI can deliver highly relevant findings much faster than traditional manual methods. This reduces the risks of human error and oversight.

The time savings allow attorneys to focus more on client-facing work and strategic activities. AI also ensures critical information is not missed as research precision and quality are enhanced over time. As the technology matures further, it aims to transform legal research for enhanced productivity and service delivery.

Digital Reporting Services On the Rise

Digital reporting involves using advanced audio recording technology and software to capture verbatim transcripts of legal proceedings. Certified professionals produce digital transcripts from digitally recorded audio. This capability allows for reliable event coverage. Digital reports eliminate risks of missed testimony and ensure a complete written record is available.

In a survey of law firms by U.S. Legal Support, approximately 32% indicated having utilized digital reporting services in 2023. Additionally, 27% of respondents said they intend to leverage these services in 2024.


1. What is the main difference between RegTech and LegalTech?

A: RegTech focuses on regulatory compliance and risk management across various industries, especially finance. LegalTech specifically serves the legal profession through tools that help lawyers in their daily work and improve law practice overall.

2. Will there be a high demand for lawyers in the future?

A: Projections show lawyer employment growing around 5% between 2023-2033, similar to average growth for all occupations. An estimated 35,600 new lawyer jobs may arise each year on average over the next decade.

3. How large is the legal tech industry currently?

A: Recent estimates value the LegalTech market at around $9.8 billion in 2022. Analysis predicts the industry could reach an estimated $21.4 billion by 2032, meaning annual growth of around 8.5% over the next ten years. Significant expansion is anticipated as technologies continue advancing for legal professionals.

As the legal industry continues to progress, keeping up with emerging trends will be crucial for success. The next few years promise even more disruption as innovative technologies like AI, automation, and cloud computing become further ingrained. Legal professionals will need to adapt in order to remain relevant and competitive. 

These changes also bring new opportunities for those open to adopting new approaches. In 2025, this could result in improved efficiency, higher-quality services, and stronger client relationships. How legal organizations rise to meet these upcoming challenges may determine which ones thrive in our increasingly digital world.

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