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Is There A Quick Fix For Depression?

Depression is a complex mental illness that unfortunately cannot be cured overnight. But it is not something you have to live with forever either – some people do escape depression and go on to live happy fulfilling lives. A lot of people are eager for some kind of quick fix. Is there one? This post explores some of the different ways in which people overcome depression and their effectiveness.

Are antidepressants the answer?

If you’re depressed, a doctor may be able to prescribe antidepressants. These come in pill form and are taken daily. Some people report feeling better immediately, however this is rare – it often takes several weeks before people feel the effects. Antidepressants aren’t for everyone and can leave some people feeling numb to all emotions. However, they are worth trying, as many people find that they do relieve feelings of sadness and hopelessness, helping to bring a sense of calm. 

Can other substances help?

A lot of people try to self-medicate with substances like alcohol and drugs. These can provide immediate relief, but can make depression even worse once the feelings wear off. This leads to people becoming unhealthily addicted to escape sobriety – which can lead to physical health problems as well as added mental health problems. As a result, you should avoid alcohol and drugs when tackling depression (especially if you’re on antidepressants, as this can actually be dangerous to mix them).

Could a therapy session help me?

Talking to a therapist is highly recommended if you have depression and feel you have no-one to open up to. However, you shouldn’t expect to feel better after one session. It can take some people several weeks of therapy to see results, and you may have to try different therapists to find one you gel with. Therapy should therefore be viewed as a form of long term mental health care. Make sure to explore different types of therapy – including on-on-one therapy and group therapy. For those with severe depression, rehabilitation may be recommended.  

Will exercise and diet help me?

Looking after your body is also a way of looking after your mind. Exercise is a common way in which people beat depression – it releases endorphins and can provide goals to work towards. Eating healthy foods meanwhile improves gut health, which is linked to our mood. Cutting down on certain unhealthy foods (such as sugary snacks and fatty foods) could also reduce stress and help you cope better with life’s struggles. 

Is spending time in nature a quick fix?

Depression can often be caused by detachment from reality. Immersing yourself in nature by going on a long rural walk could have impressive healing powers. This won’t instantly cure your depression, however regularly spending more time outdoors could have a dramatic impact.

The bottom line

Sadly, there isn’t a quick fix for depression, but there are certainly ways in which you can overcome it. Trying some of the above strategies could help you to feel less low and give you the strength to carry on. 

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