Home CES Cortet – Internet of Things Connectivity Suite | Best of CES

Cortet – Internet of Things Connectivity Suite | Best of CES

The Internet of Things is wildly popular at this year’s Consumer Electronic Show.  It is not too surprising considering it brings intelligence to everyday things. Most people might be familiar with some examples of the IoT like Amazon’s Echo, but likely aren’t as familiar with what bridges the gap between the “thing” and the “cloud.” One company that makes that happen is CEL with their Cortet Connectivity Suite.

When asked what the Cortet Connectivity Suite was, the company stated that it “is a system that allows devices to connect to mobile apps, to other things, to the cloud, and to other IoT ecosystems.” It works by talking to other devices. The company says the idea is to “take a manufacturer’s product – the thing – and give it a voice by adding in our wireless radios, embedded software, mobile apps, and a special connectivity cloud.”

Cortet was built to avoid many of the compromises, such as slow connection, that arise from a top-down, Internet-centric approach of the IoT. Cortet counters this problematic approach to configuration by moving from the core out and localizing the interactions between the devices. The main fact is that Cortet Connectivity Suite provides faster response times and is not dependent on the IoT always being on and active.

When navigating through the confusing world of wireless connectivity, experience matters…and they have a lot of it. With over 50 years of industry experience, Cortet has the tradition and the resources that newer companies can’t provide.

With a  long and proud heritage of developing and selling RF and optical components for a multitude of markets, Cortet provides solutions for both industrial and environmental sectors by creating MeshWorks of IoT solutions. If you want to learn more about Cortet and how it works with the Internet of Things, head to cortet.com today.

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