Home CES Z-Wave – Enabling Everything For Your Smart House | NewsWatch Review

Z-Wave – Enabling Everything For Your Smart House | NewsWatch Review

You might not be familiar with Z-Wave, but it’s the technology behind those gadgets that make your home smart.  Well, we want to tell you a little about that tech and some cool new Z-Wave products, so we caught up with the Z-Wave Alliance Executive Director, Mitchell Klein, to give us the details.

“Z-Wave is a wireless technology which is designed to communicate from device to device, so that equipment can talk to itself and to each other. Also enabling you to communicate and control directly to devices with your smart phone and with other devices in your home. BeONHome are light bulbs that the home owner can screw in themselves that provide smart light bulb type security in the house, tie into your security system, to your doorbells, and even be able to replay the last several days of lighting in the home to make it look like somebody is in the house while you’re away.” For more information about BeONHome visit: BeONHome.com

“The GoControl Irrigation Controller is a device that will take over and control the irrigation and the sprinklers in your home. In addition to controlling it fundamentally, it will take a look at the weather forecast and existing weather conditions and adapt accordingly.” To see what else Nortek has coming soon visit their website.

“Fibaro SWIPE is a gesture controller that connects up to all the smart devices in the house and enables the home owner to program the gestures, whether left, right up, and down. Maybe we can raise and lower the volume, perhaps this can turn the lights on. Oh, and by the way, it works through walls, you can put it underneath your cabinet in the kitchen, this is a really cool product.” To get your own visit: Fibaro.com.

“The important aspect for the consumer is what we would call inter-operability. So that rather than focusing on ‘what technology do it need to deploy in the home?’ You can look at the different products and the different brands and as long as they are all Z-Wave enabled, they will all work together and communicate with each other.”

If you want more info on how Z-Wave can help make your home smart, head to z-wave.com today.

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