Home CES Arist – Brew Coffee From Your Phone | NewsWatch Review

Arist – Brew Coffee From Your Phone | NewsWatch Review


Now, we all wish our coffee machine at home was as good as the ones at our favorite café, right?  Well, Arist, the latest innovation in coffee brewing, allows you to make coffee that’s as good as your barista’s – right from the convenience of your phone.

“Arist is an app controlled smart coffee brewer that lets you adjust all the different brew steps, like grind size, water temperature, and water pressure, so you can get the best flavors from your beans.” 

Beyond customizing your coffee right from the app, the coffee that you’re going to brew is consistent with the quality you’d get at a coffeehouse.

“It’s got a customized brew group that can have adjustable brew steps and you can control all of that on your mobile app. It also has a retractable milk frother that comes down and steams your milk just like your barista does. And it also has a cup recognition technology. So, it recognizes your favorite cup and brews your favorite coffee every time.” -Vincent Poon, QA Specialist, Certified Q Grader, Arist

You can even “broaden your coffee experience with thousands of recipes created by coffee experts specifically for the Arist to match with your favorite coffee beans. All the drinks from premium coffee houses and even signature drinks by award winning baristas from the world over — Arist can make it all. By giving users the freedom to explore unlimited ways to brew a cup of coffee with their favorite beans, Arist truly sets itself apart from all other super-autos available on the market.”

If you want to learn more about Artist, head to artistces.com today.

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