Home Technology Tech Services 5 Ways to Solve the Missing DLL File Error

5 Ways to Solve the Missing DLL File Error

Sometimes errors occur due to the lack of certain files on Windows. Typically, this happens in popular games: for example, KC 1.6, Dirt 3, Kings Bounty: Dark Side, etc. In addition, there are cases when they appear while starting multimedia applications.

You can learn about one of these errors from the message with the text – openal32.dll missing. What does this mean and what to do next? The interlibrary library OpenAL32 is part of the OpenGL package and is responsible for the surround sound in games and programs. If you encounter its incorrect work or none at all, then it is suggested to study the following solutions before trying to reinstall OS completely.

The File Is Locked By the Security System

The most frequent cause of problems with dynamic libraries is infection by a virus. The script is the same. The malicious code was embedded in the DLL file, after which your security system blocked it. Sometimes this happens erroneously, but very rarely. So, first of all, unlock the file. To do this, you need to temporarily suspend the antivirus. After that, the game will be started, but only until the antivirus again sees it. Therefore, if you are sure that the file is not infected add it to the exceptions. If it is infected, you should try to treat by several antivirus programs.

Restore OS to the Last Working Configuration

Follow the instructions:

– first, move to the Start menu and type the phrase “Control Panel”

– in the search results, we get the shortcut of the panel and click on it twice;

– in the list of items, you need to select the “System” item;

– in the menu on the right, we select the item “Additional parameters.” You will see the “System Properties” window where you select the “System Protection” tab. Here you will see the “Restore” button. By clicking it, you start the Recovery Wizard, in which you need to select the nearest point by the date when there was no problem with the DLL file and roll back OS to it.

Cleaning the Registry

Errors in this area affect the correct operation of system files. Therefore, if the error associated with the missing file occurs when you start different apps, then the solution can be checking and cleaning the keys. One of the simplest and most convenient ways can be the CCleaner. By using this app all unnecessary or erroneous entries will be deleted or corrected.

Reinstalling the Driver for the Sound Card

Another way to delete the DLL file is to download and reinstall the driver for the sound. To do this, you need to know what kind of adapter you use and on what chip. This can be learned through the Device Manager (press the Win+R key combination and type: mmc devmgmt.msc), or by using special programs such as Everest or Aida32. After that, go to the official website of the provider and download the latest version of the software.

Installation of the DLL File

This item was intentionally put last since it is extreme and it is only worth using it in the most extreme case since it can lead to the total inoperability of the OS. Therefore, all the below-listed actions for reinstalling are performed at your own risk.

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