Why 3D Printing Faces Cyber Security Risks

Tech Report By: Megan Nichols You’ve certainly heard about 3D printing a lot lately. It seems to be the next big thing in technology. However, with technological advancements, there comes new cybersecurity risks —...

28 Thoughts I Had While Watching The Justice League Trailer From Comic-Con | NewsWatch...

Entertainment  By Rabeca Smith Over the weekend at Comic-con in San Diego, there were several sneak peeks at upcoming movies. Wonder Woman gave us a teaser as well as Fantastic Beast and Where...

KickassTorrents Gets it’s A$$ Kicked but Gets Back Up | NewsWatch Review

Tech News  By: Nick Gambino Despite the arrest of the founder and operator (alleged) of KickassTorrents (KAT), Artem Vaulin, and the subsequent seizure of its domains, it seems the site is back up and...

Joey Cook and The Partyraddlers Concert Contest | NewsWatch Entertainment

Entertainment Anyone who was tuned in to American Idol's 14th season in 2015 probably remembers the top 10 contestants with the colorful hair; Joey Cook for her dulcet tones and her amazing...

STAMP – Easily Transfer Music Between Streaming Services | NewsWatch Review

App Review We’re in the age of streaming music. CDs are a thing of the past and digital downloads seem to be headed in the same direction. With services like Spotify, Apple...

What to Expect from the NYC Subway Upgrade

Tech Report By: Nick Gambino   Modern New York City subway cars are lightyears beyond what they were like when I was growing up in the 80s and 90s. Back then graffiti and urine...

Are you Aware of these Security Blind Spots?

Tech Report By: Megan Nichols In a relatively brief span of about 20 years, advances in network technology and computing power have not only completely reshaped our society, but transformed the way we...

Silicon Valley Goes All In for AR

Tech Report The recent phenomenal success of Pokemon Go points the way to an explosion in funding for Augmented Reality (AR) tech. By 2020, it is estimated that AR will be worth...

New Disney Emoji Keyboard Allows you to Send All Your Favorite Characters

Tech Report By: Nick Gambino With the new Disney Emoji keyboard we’ll finally be able to send all of our favorite Disney characters when we text or e-mail. Which is perfect because I’m...

5 Cool Technologies Found in New Cars

Tech Report At NewsWatch, we’re pretty obsessed with technology of all kinds, especially when it's found in cars. While we still don’t have self-driving cars yet, technology found in newer cars is still...