We use artificial intelligence daily, probably without being aware that we’re using AI. Google Maps, Gmail, Paypal and Uber apps, are just a few of the many examples. So, when it comes to deciding between cloud-based or on-device AI, which is the right option?

Security as a Concern

Storing information on the cloud is a concern for many people; this is especially true in a business environment. Security, data threats, and recent developments of hackers gaining access to personal information/files are just a few lingering threats which might dissuade someone from storing relevant information on the cloud. When utilizing artificial intelligence platforms, personal devices reduce some of these security threats. Some security features personal devices afford owners are:

  • Biometric scanners
  • Pin codes to access devices
  • Locking features
  • Other storage/security features.

These security features ensure that even if your device gets in the wrong hands, the information can’t be seen/used by those who shouldn’t have access to it. This is more difficult to prevent utilizing the cloud for storage purposes.

Bandwidth Efficiency & Performance Concerns

Bandwidth speeds can slow down the performance of the AI technologies and platforms you’re utilizing on a daily basis. It is important to understand network capabilities and performance, to avoid this. With a personal device, you don’t have to worry about such concerns. You don’t have to worry about data prioritization or work balance on a personal device. You do in the cloud!

For this reason, it is essential to have the platforms you utilize most frequently on your devices, to avoid lagging or slow speeds. You can control performance, as long as you are using the right platforms.

Latency in the Cloud

Many people utilize the cloud. Because of this, lag is a concern. The cloud is an excellent platform because it offers a free location for storing information. However, when it gets bogged down, this can hinder the performance of AI platforms, and overall performance within an organization. By implementing the use of personal devices, this isn’t a concern. It allows individuals to control speeds, usage, access points and other aspects they can’t control when using the cloud.

Accessibility While Traveling

This one’s quite obvious. With personal devices, you have them with you wherever you go. Smartphones, tablets, laptops, are always with you. The cloud, well, it is and it isn’t. There are programs which allow you to sync information to the cloud while traveling. However, you are limited in use, accessibility, and visibility. This is not the case with personal devices. They are at your fingertips, 24/7. This means you can utilize the platforms, from anywhere, and maintain control of productivity from virtually anywhere in the world.

Why A Combined Approach is the Best Solution

Should you ditch the cloud, and rely solely on personal devices for accessing AI platforms? No. The cloud is an excellent resource for business and personal use. It is always available, it is free (or there are reasonable price plans for more storage needs), software is continually updated for you, and it can improve collaboration in the workplace.

The best approach is a balanced approach. Integrating the cloud, alongside your devices for accessing AI platforms and programs, is a suitable approach for business professionals to take. It will allow for increased usability, improved performance, and greater security. Plus, you can seamlessly transfer, integrate and implement changes through the cloud when necessary, increasing overall usability, and improving performance, storage capabilities, and increasing the usability of artificial intelligence platforms daily.