Reduce Stress, Anxiety, and PTSD with the Stress Is Gone App


Managing stress is a vital component in leading a healthy and happy life. But sometimes this can be difficult, especially when the stress is overwhelming.

Whether you struggle with stress, anxiety, or PTSD from the pandemic, we found an amazing app that has all the bases covered.

Let’s take a look at the Stress is Gone app. The Stress Is Gone app has 3 core functions.

First, let’s look at the Stopper tab it helps you predict and shut down stress in the heat of the moment. No other app does this. The app automatically guides you through Stress Stopper Breathwork, a technique that quickly helps you relax and brings you back to the present moment.

Another unique feature is the Resolve tab which helps you unpack and heal the deeper emotional issues that fuel chronic stress. The Resolve Tab provides relief from old painful memories and cultivates emotional balance.

The MyMeds tab not only sets up your meditation practice but it helps you commit to it which for many of us is the hardest part.

Science tells us that meditating every day reduces anxiety, depression, blood pressure, and chronic pain.

But did you know it also increases patience, creativity, self-awareness, and happiness? This complete stress management system is certified by the American Institute of Stress.

Just imagine all your life can be with the right tools to manage stress and anxiety. Become a pro at letting go. Get the Stress Is Gone app.

Go to  Click the “Break Free” button.

The app is included in the free-mini course. All you stand to lose is stress.