ai dog

The Sony Robot Dog, Aibo, Can Be Yours If You Can Afford It

By: Nick Gambino Back at CES 2018 in January, Newswatch got a glimpse of the newly resurrected Sony robot dog, Aibo. Now the promising little furless pet is coming to the U.S,...
gmail mobile email

Send Self-Destructing E-mails on Gmail Mobile

By: Nick Gambino Riding the self-destructing message train, Gmail has introduced a way to send e-mails that expire after a given time. Confidential Mode, as it’s called, is meant to protect sensitive...
iphone flagship

Strong Rumors Suggest What to Expect from New iPhone

 By: Nick Gambino If you were to scour through every current rumor about the upcoming new iPhone, you’d be scouring for longer than it would take for the new phone to be...

While MoviePass Falters, AMC Stubs A-List Soars

By: Nick Gambino I’m what we call in the industry a “movie buff.” So if you’re ever looking for me on the weekend, it’s a safe bet you’ll find me tucked away...
Million Mile Battery

Tesla Adds Classic Atari Games to Cars

By: Nick Gambino Tesla and Elon Musk are about to earn some serious brownie points with nerds. It’s just been announced that the next software update will include the ability to play...

WhatsApp Now Supports Voice and Video Group Calls

By: Nick Gambino Just over two months ago at Facebook’s annual F8 developer conference, we were promised voice and video group calls for WhatsApp and now it’s here. WhatsApp hasn’t been in the...

Now You Can Shop the App Store with Your Voice

By: Nick Gambino The oft-overlooked Apple Store app just got a facelift and some new features that might entice iOS users to fire up the app more often. That’s the “Apple Store”... Releases a Dark Mode to Give Your Eyes a Rest

By: Nick Gambino If you spend a hefty amount of your day sitting in front of your computer sending and answering e-mails, you know how harsh that can be on the eyes....

Walmart Possibly Looking to Compete with Netflix with New Video Streaming Service

By: Nick Gambino Retail giant Walmart has been duking it out with Amazon for title of biggest, baddest retail outlet. Now it seems they’re going to compete with Jeff Bezos’ company on...

WhatsApp Adds Forwarding Feature to Combat Fake News

By: Nick Gambino Popular messaging platform WhatsApp has added a forwarding flag in an effort to combat the ongoing threat of fake news. As Facebook (which owns WhatsApp) is hard at work trying...