BeatScanner – Check Your Heart Rate | NewsWatch Review

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Measuring your heart rate on a consistent basis is an invaluable step towards detecting a possible irregular heart condition. But it’s not very feasible to go to the doctor every day. That’s why the app BeatScanner was created. BeatScanner analyzes, documents, and shares your heartbeats and rhythms using your smartphone or tablet.

Created by a team of engineers, specialist physicians and technological forerunners, the app simply uses the sensitive built-in accelerometer and gyroscope sensors in your phone or tablet to detect the tiniest movement.

To begin just lay down on your back and place your phone or tablet on your upper-chest. After 15 seconds, BeatScanner is ready to analyze the data. For complete accuracy try to place the device in a position so that it will remain steady during the measurement.  Using its very own cloud-based analysis software the app calculates a score, which tells you the amount of variation in the rhythm of your heart. The remote diagnostics simplifies and speeds up the diagnostic process of several key health problems.

The lower the score the less irregular the rhythm. In other words, cross your fingers for a lower score. Green, yellow, and red are used to indicate various levels of irregularity. The app even works on animals so you can use it to check and monitor your pet’s heart rate. Purchase the BeatScanner app to avoid the doctor’s waiting room and stay ahead in your health diagnostics with this simplified heart rate app.

BeatScanner is available for iOS and Android devices. They offer a free trial to test it out. After that it’s only $9.90 a year. Search for “BeatScanner” in the App Store or Google Play store today to download it.

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