Tentsile – Tree Tents | NewsWatch Review

Consumer Update

So, camping is a great way to get out and experience nature away from the hustle and bustle of stressful everyday life.  Tentsile’s tree tents were inspired by the Ewok village in Return of the Jedi, as well as the founder’s love of trees.

He decided he wanted a treehouse that he could take with him anywhere. The unique design of the tent uses ratchet straps to fasten to three trees suspending the tent in the air. The durability of the straps and floor material keep you nice and secure while offering a floating environment on which to lie down.  The tents can fit either 2 or 3 people.  Tentsile’s passion for saving trees is so strong that for every tent sold they plant 3 trees! In tandem with WeForest and The Eden Projects they have helped to restore deforested regions of Ethiopia, Zambia, and Madagascar with over 46,000 trees planted.  And hey if we’re all hanging out in trees nobody’s gonna chop ‘em down.

To purchase a tree tent of your own head over to Tentsile.com today.

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