Lines…Why Wait? – Sell or Buy Your Place in Line | NewsWatch Review


There’s nothing more valuable than time. But, sadly enough, we spend about two years of our lives waiting in line, wasting precious time.

Well, a company called Buy Time is here to lessen this problem with their new iOS app, Lines… Why Wait?

Lines… Why Wait? is a new concept that allows you to post, view, and trade spots in line.

You simply open the app to either view or post a wait time, sell your spot in line, or make an offer to buy someone else’s.

Want to share your wait with others? Post your estimated wait time at any venue. Want to see how long the line is at your favorite restaurant? Just look it up and you can make the decision whether it’s worth your time.

But what makes this app truly unique is that you can buy or sell your spot in line. So, if you’re looking to ditch the holiday rush, you can purchase your place and skip the wait.

Or if you’re trying to make some extra cash, you can wait and sell your spot.

Lines… Why Wait? is also loaded with other features, like push notifications if your friends are nearby.

But all these features work best if your friends and members of your community are using it.

If you’d like to save time, search for Lines… Why Wait? in the App Store today.